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发布时间:2018-10-10 10:24
【摘要】:李斯特《B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》以其恢宏巨制对演奏者们提出了挑战。与处理中小型作品不同,在面对一部大型作品时,演奏者不能将注意力仅仅停留在微观层面,而是首先需要以宏观视野来审视作品。大型作品要求演奏者做到“纲举目张”,优先抓住主要的环节,以此来带动其他细节的处理。 在本文中,笔者通过查阅李斯特《B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》的相关资料,结合本人在学习过程中对该作品的认识,分七个章节进行剖析:第一章通过聚焦“标题阐释”来从宏观上把握作品。随后的第二至六章节分别从“作品结构”、“主题变形”、“时间元素”、“声音元素”、“和声特征”这五个不同角度对该曲的演奏整体感作进一步的论述。第七章则整合先前提到过的内容,使其在一个乐段中形成合力。 本文由此得出结论:在演奏诸如李斯特《B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》这样的大型作品时,演奏者需变“平视”为“鸟瞰”。钢琴音乐作品囊括了种种不同的音乐元素,而这些元素往往不是孤立存在的。因此,演奏者不但要潜心研习乐谱,不放过任何一个作曲家传递给我们的信息,而且还要注重挖掘音符背后所蕴藏的心理体验与美学含义。只有在多种因素的共同作用之下,音乐作品的魅力才会被展现得愈发淋漓尽致。
[Abstract]:Liszt's Piano Sonata in B minor challenged the players with its grand scale. Different from dealing with small and medium works, in the face of a large work, the performer can not only focus on the micro level, but first need to examine the work from a macro perspective. Large-scale works require the performer to give priority to the main links to facilitate the handling of other details. In this paper, I refer to the relevant materials of Liszt's Piano Sonata in B minor, combined with my understanding of this work in the course of my study. It is divided into seven chapters: the first chapter focuses on the title explanation to grasp the works macroscopically. The second to sixth chapters further discuss the whole feeling of the performance of the music from five different angles: structure of the work, theme deformation, time element, sound element and harmony characteristic. The seventh chapter integrates the content mentioned earlier and makes it form a joint force in a piece of music. In this paper, it is concluded that in the performance of such large works as Liszt's Piano Sonata in B minor, the performer needs to change his "level view" to "bird's eye view". Piano music includes a variety of musical elements, which are often not isolated. Therefore, the performer should not only study the music score, but also pay attention to the psychological experience and aesthetic meaning behind the notes. Only under the joint action of many factors, the charm of musical works will be displayed more incisively and vividly.


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