发布时间:2018-11-13 06:26
【摘要】:声乐教学实践中有许多观点既有着对应性,又有着相关系性相辅相承;有的存在于教与学当中;有的贯穿于歌唱中想象调控和情感调控之中;有的贯穿于整个歌唱过程。认识不到这些矛盾中的辩证关系或不能正确地把握和和处理这关系,就很难使整个歌唱过程顺利进行对于在教学及声乐实践中出现的问题不能割裂开来分析,只有从宏观上去阐述和论证声乐教学实践中所存在的一些观点的矛盾及各部分之间、部分与整体之间的关系,才能使学生对声乐艺术实践有一个整体的认识和全面的了解,才能从整体上去把握声乐艺术,从而对声乐艺术的学习有一个明确的方向和一个清晰的思路。在本文中,作者将分五个部分,从自身的视角进行一次全面的论述。 一、字与声 字与声是我们在声乐教学中和实践中经常提到的,也是歌唱的灵魂。学生对字与声的关系有时处理不当,过分强调字,就会造成肌肉紧张,声音紧、挤,就会缺少弹性和圆润,要是过于强调声而忽略字,又会造成吐词含糊不清,影响歌曲的表现力,所以要充分了解字的读音规律,深刻理解文字的内容,使字与声的搭配更加合理均衡。传统理论中提到“字正腔圆”。“字正”就能“腔圆”吗。这种观点含有片面性。“字正”和“腔圆”既有独立性,又有一定的因果关系。 二、歌唱中的想象调控与情感调控 想象调控和情感调控是歌唱过程中一个很重要的环节。想象是内心听觉的预想。要想得到优美的动听的音色,首先要在内心建立起这种声音的概念,要在内心的想象中准确地知道这个声音的形象。情感表现涵盖着喜、怒、哀、乐等情绪变化。是歌者根据自己的体验和对歌曲作品的理解,而产生的一种外部表情,是一种高级的社会性感情,它会借助歌曲作品蕴含的情调与想象交织在一起,支配想象去组合表象。 三、声与情 没有正确的发声方法和情溢的演唱技巧,完美地表现声乐作品就成了空谈。但不能把声乐技巧就等同于声乐艺术。只有情感的投入才能使声乐技巧焕发光彩,使作品展现其艺术魅力,割裂了技术与情感的关系。就不是完整的声乐艺术。关于“以声传情”还是“以情带声”的问题,这两种观点看似对应,其实却恰恰说明了一个问题的两个方面,“以情带声”强调的是感情、情绪对声音技术、技巧的能动的影响作用,而“以声传情”则强了声音技术、技巧对情感表现的基础、决定性作用。以情节带声是一种方法、手段,而以声传情则是最终的目的。 四、教与学 教与学是声乐教学过程中的一对基本矛盾。教学既要适应学生又要有适度的超越。教师既是整个教学活动的组织者、引导者,同时又要充分发挥学生学习过程中的主体作用,调动的不仅是教师的积极性,更重要的是要调动学生的积极性,使其积极性得到充
[Abstract]:In the practice of vocal music teaching, there are many points of view that exist in the correspondence, but also have a close relationship with each other; some exist in the teaching and learning; some are through the imagination regulation and the emotion regulation in the singing; some are through the whole singing process. it is very difficult to make the whole singing process go smoothly to the problems that arise in the teaching and the vocal music practice, Only from the macro-scale, the contradiction of some viewpoints and the relationship between the part and the whole in the practice of vocal music teaching can be explained and demonstrated, so that the students can have a whole understanding and a comprehensive understanding of the practice of the vocal music art, in order to master the vocal music art from the whole, Therefore, the study of vocal music art has a clear direction and a clear idea. In this paper, the author will be divided into five parts to make a comprehensive discussion from its own perspective. One, the word and the sound word and the sound are in the vocal music teaching As often mentioned in the practice, the soul of the singing is also the soul of the singing. The relationship between the word and the sound is sometimes mishandled, the words are stressed excessively, the muscles are tense, the sound is tight, the squeezing is caused, the elasticity and the round are absent, As a result, the speech is ambiguous and the expressive force of the song is influenced, so that the pronunciation rule of the word is fully understood, the text is deeply understood, In the traditional theory, "right-and-square-ca" 鈥渨ord positive鈥,
[Abstract]:In the practice of vocal music teaching, there are many points of view that exist in the correspondence, but also have a close relationship with each other; some exist in the teaching and learning; some are through the imagination regulation and the emotion regulation in the singing; some are through the whole singing process. it is very difficult to make the whole singing process go smoothly to the problems that arise in the teaching and the vocal music practice, Only from the macro-scale, the contradiction of some viewpoints and the relationship between the part and the whole in the practice of vocal music teaching can be explained and demonstrated, so that the students can have a whole understanding and a comprehensive understanding of the practice of the vocal music art, in order to master the vocal music art from the whole, Therefore, the study of vocal music art has a clear direction and a clear idea. In this paper, the author will be divided into five parts to make a comprehensive discussion from its own perspective. One, the word and the sound word and the sound are in the vocal music teaching As often mentioned in the practice, the soul of the singing is also the soul of the singing. The relationship between the word and the sound is sometimes mishandled, the words are stressed excessively, the muscles are tense, the sound is tight, the squeezing is caused, the elasticity and the round are absent, As a result, the speech is ambiguous and the expressive force of the song is influenced, so that the pronunciation rule of the word is fully understood, the text is deeply understood, In the traditional theory, "right-and-square-ca" 鈥渨ord positive鈥,