[Abstract]:Choral singing is one of vocal singing forms, refers to two groups of singers singing the same music according to different parts. The emergence and development of choral art form is inseparable from the production and life of the working people. Chorus is one of the most popular forms of mass cultural activities. The greatest characteristic of chorus is that it regards human voice as the basic element of harmony, is the highest realm of human voice art, it is extremely harmonious and unified, it is the easiest to express people's delicate feelings and the rich ideological connotation of the works. The great artistic appeal produced is unparalleled by any other art form. The development of choral art in China was only about a hundred years ago. At the end of the nineteenth century, with the spread of Western Christian music in China, especially after the May 4th Movement, Chinese urban and rural mass singing activities were very active. Since then, Chinese chorus music has really developed. With the great changes of Chinese social politics and history, chorus music has played an active role in every historical period. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, especially after the reform and opening up, Chinese choral music has been greatly enriched and developed, and chorus art has been more and more popular and loved by the masses. The fourth Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee clearly put forward the goal of building a harmonious socialist society. In order to improve the ideological and moral quality of all the members of the society in an all-round way, through the research and discussion of the art form of chorus and the positive role played by chorus art in the process of social development, Comprehensively discussing the relationship between chorus art and improving people's humanistic quality, promoting national culture, vigorously popularizing chorus art among the masses, It is of practical significance to make chorus art play a more active role in the process of building a harmonious socialist society.
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