[Abstract]:Meffisto is the devil in Goethe's poem play Faust. The creator of the opera transplanted this literary prototype into the opera, which changed the character of the devil's image. This thesis mainly adopts the method of longitudinal comparison to examine the common image characteristics of Mefistow in the three operas. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter, from the opera script, focuses on the adaptation of three operas related to Meffisto. By comparing with the literary archetype of Meffisto in Goethe Faustus, the author points out the most prominent image features of the three opera scripts. The second chapter, from the opera music, through the analysis of the three operas related to the music, choir, summed up in the three operas Mefistow in the four common image characteristics. And make a comprehensive summary and induction of the common techniques used by the composer. The third chapter, on the basis of the conclusion in the previous chapter, excavates the reason why the devil Mafisto presents different image characteristics in opera from the two aspects of creation background and religious origin, and reveals the aesthetic significance of creating devil image in opera.
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