[Abstract]:The music of the Central Plains in Sui and Tang dynasties changed not only in music theory but also in music form. The evolution of the Central Plains music in this period was mainly manifested in the diversity and fusion of music, the musical innovation trend of "bringing elegance into vulgarity" and "introducing vulgarity into elegance", and the maturity and perfection of Buddhist music in the Central Plains. The establishment of the Central Plains Court Music Organization and other aspects. This change is not only influenced by the external social environment at that time, but also closely related to its own regional cultural characteristics. After the evolution of the Central Plains music had a profound impact on the development of later music, so that the Central Plains music in the five dynasties war period can be better retained, for the Liao and Song dynasties of the revival of the Central Plains music laid a solid foundation.
【作者单位】: 洛阳师范学院公共艺术教研部;
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