发布时间:2019-02-25 12:18
[Abstract]:Film songs belong to the cross art of film art and vocal music art. Film song appreciation, with the dual attributes of film appreciation and music appreciation, but also has its own independent artistic characteristics and aesthetic character, is not only an important part of film art, but also is the highlight and support of film art, soul and key. Based on the significance of film song appreciation, the main contents of film song appreciation, and the necessary methods of film song appreciation, this paper discusses the important artistic proposition of film song appreciation in all directions, serialization and deep level from three angles of view: the significance of film song appreciation, the main content of film song appreciation, and the necessary methods of film song appreciation.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江艺术职业学院;
[Abstract]:Film songs belong to the cross art of film art and vocal music art. Film song appreciation, with the dual attributes of film appreciation and music appreciation, but also has its own independent artistic characteristics and aesthetic character, is not only an important part of film art, but also is the highlight and support of film art, soul and key. Based on the significance of film song appreciation, the main contents of film song appreciation, and the necessary methods of film song appreciation, this paper discusses the important artistic proposition of film song appreciation in all directions, serialization and deep level from three angles of view: the significance of film song appreciation, the main content of film song appreciation, and the necessary methods of film song appreciation.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江艺术职业学院;
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