[Abstract]:Young teachers and students are future kindergarten teachers, are the backbone of the development of early childhood education in China in the future, and bear the responsibility for the study and development of young children all their lives. Under the background of the curriculum reform of kindergarten teachers, the problem of students with music learning difficulties in kindergarten teachers undoubtedly conforms to the current development trend of music teaching reform, and has important theoretical and practical significance for doing a good job in music teaching for kindergarten teachers. According to the survey, the music learning difficulties of young teachers and students are a common phenomenon, which are mainly manifested in cognition, emotion, will, character and so on. Under the guidance of modern pedagogy, psychology and music education theory, this study comprehensively uses questionnaire method, interview method and literature analysis method to deeply understand the difficulties of provincial kindergarten teachers in the process of music learning. The causes of music learning difficulties of provincial kindergarten teachers and students are analyzed, and the countermeasures are put forward in order to promote the all-round development of young teachers and students. The full text has four parts: the first part is the general discussion, which mainly includes three aspects. First of all, it explains the background of the question and the importance of young teachers and students learning music; secondly, it analyzes and summarizes the existing research reviews related to this study; the third is the research methods. The second part is the present situation and main problems of music learning in kindergarten teachers, which truly reflects the present situation of music learning in kindergarten teachers and students. The results show that the difficulties in learning music are mainly cognitive difficulties, difficulties in learning music skills and skills, and difficulties in learning motivation. The third part comprehensively analyzes the reasons for the music learning difficulties of kindergarten teachers. It is mainly caused by the characteristics of young teachers and students, metacognition, students' non-intellectual factors, social and environmental factors and school education. The fourth part puts forward the countermeasures to solve the music learning difficulties of provincial kindergarten students, which is also the most important foothold of this study. The research holds that improving the teaching form, innovating the teaching method, highlighting the music teaching characteristics of the kindergarten teacher school, teaching students according to their aptitude, carrying on the targeted education to the students, cultivating the students' ability of autonomous learning, so that the students can really become the masters of the study. Stimulate students' learning motivation, attach importance to the development of non-intellectual factors; create a good learning environment atmosphere, imperceptibly infiltrate into music learning; shape the healthy personality of kindergarten teachers.
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