[Abstract]:From a comparative point of view, this paper discusses the relationship between the traditional discourse mode of Dong song art inheritance field and the expansion and transformation of information meaning in postmodern situation. The analysis holds that in the modern context, the composition of Dong song art inheritance field elements and their activity space, discourse mode, with the help of the traditional basic conditions and internal roots, it is entirely possible for the aesthetic subject to perceive the meaning world and the aesthetic world (a way that is different from daily survival and rooted in daily survival) can be continuously enriched and perfected. And let the aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic creativity of the aesthetic subject, in the process of realistic humanization and aestheticization, be transformed into the motivation of yearning for the integration of meaning system and the expansion of information domain in the postmodern situation.
【作者单位】: 广西民族大学文学院;广西钦州学院;
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