本文选题:笔法 + 中锋 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:笔法在书法艺术中处于核心地位。 本文旨在研究笔法之“常”与“变”,研究古代书法笔法嬗变的历史规律及其在书法创新中的价值地位,抽绎、阐释出笔法演变中所蕴藏的历史、文化因素。 文章从三个方面进行研究:一、笔法演变的自然规律。从商周至魏晋,字体经历了篆、隶、楷的依次演变。笔法由象形描摹向绞转、提按演变。这个过程是笔法自然发展的过程,它体现着笔法演变的基本趋势。二、笔法演变的历史因素。笔法发展还受时代的物质条件约束,书写家具、坐姿、书写材料的形制等因素影响着执笔的斜、正,进而影响到点画形态的中、侧。三、笔法演变中的个体创新。在基本笔法齐备的条件下,书家可以自由取用,进行个性风格翻新。但是这种翻新必须以遵循基本笔法为前提。否则,一味追求诡异笔法,只能是作茧自缚。飞白书是杂体书的典型,它追求诡异笔法,它的演变历史是杂体书命运的缩影。 总结上面这份历史文化遗产,能够使我们明了书法笔法的源流,知鉴别,取菁英,弃糟粕,使得书法艺术健康、良性发展。
[Abstract]:Brushwork is at the core of calligraphy art. The purpose of this paper is to study the "Chang" and "change" of strokes, to study the historical law of the evolution of ancient calligraphy and its value position in calligraphy innovation, to expound the historical and cultural factors contained in the evolution of strokes. The article carries on the research from three aspects: first, the natural law of the strokes evolution. From the Shang Zhou to Wei and Jin dynasties, the font experienced seal, Li, block evolution in turn. Stroke from the pictographic description to twist, the evolution of the press. This process is the natural development of stroke, it reflects the basic trend of the evolution of stroke. Second, the historical factors of the evolution of stroke. The development of brushwork is also restricted by the material conditions of the times, such as writing furniture, sitting posture and the shape of writing materials, which influence the oblique, positive, and then the middle and side of the pattern of brushwork. Third, individual innovation in the evolution of stroke. In the basic style of complete conditions, the calligrapher can freely access, personality style renovation. But this kind of renovation must follow the basic writing method as the premise. Otherwise, the pursuit of strange style of writing, can only be self-binding. The Feibai Book is a typical miscellaneous type book, which pursues strange strokes, and its evolution history is the epitome of the fate of the mixed style book. Summing up this historical and cultural heritage can make us understand the origin of calligraphy, identify, select elite, discard dross, make calligraphy art healthy and healthy development.
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