[Abstract]:There are 407 characters in the main text, 9 characters are obviously wrong and 15 characters are not standardized. All the wrong characters and most of the nonstandard Chinese characters have no identical writing methods of different characters and other characters in the history. The article discusses the characters of "Song Sijia", the political and cultural background of the Northern Song Dynasty, the angle of cultural history, the publication of "Jia yP Shi Jing", the poetry theory of Huang Tingjian's book theory and the angle of variant characters, etc. It is concluded that "Dadu inscription" is not Huang Tingjian's ink, and it is speculated that this work belongs to copying works, and the possibility of overseas sinologists or calligraphers is great.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学中国书法文化研究院;
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