[Abstract]:Xu Sheng-un is a scholar of Shaoxing, and is a special artist with special features in the history of modern Chinese calligraphy. Xu Weng is born of poor and cold, and is less complicated, and can be used for the study of less text and no work for future generations. So far, it has been found that Xu Weng's understanding and creation idea of calligraphy is mainly reflected in the paper of "I-I Painting and Calligraphy", and most of the remaining studies can only be explored by the researchers from the books they have retained. On the influence of the position of calligraphy, Xu Weng is only a regional calligrapher, and it is easy for the future generations to respect, lack the artistic concept of the text record, and increase the difficulty of the inheritance. This paper, based on the analysis of the specific calligraphic works in the different stages of Xu Weng, starts with the analysis of the specific calligraphic works in the different stages of Xu Weng, and develops the research and mining on the practice of Xu Weng's calligraphy and the spirit of art innovation, and in order to reveal the deep original of the personality formation of Xu Weng's calligraphy. For this reason, the author has carried on a certain pursuit of its creation idea and the origin of the calligraphy art
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