[Abstract]:The late Tang and the five dynasties are the transitional period between the peak of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty. From the strict law of the Tang Dynasty to the pursuit of imagery in the Song Dynasty, the transitional role of the five dynasties of the late Tang Dynasty should not be ignored. " The concept of advocating God and Law is increasingly lost in the attachment to the calligraphy tradition of the Tang Dynasty. Xiao San Gaoyuan "has become the common aesthetic ideal of calligraphers in troubled times. Since the middle Tang Dynasty, Huai Su, Gao idle and other wild grass monks have been most commonly worshiped by the calligraphers in the chaotic times." As the main body of calligraphy in the late Tang and five dynasties, Xingcao became the bridge and tie from Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty. The unique Dunhuang genealogy of the five dynasties became a bright spot in the transitional period of Tang and Song dynasties.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学人文社会科学学院;
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