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发布时间:2017-01-02 18:10





他说,自从康韦尔开始她的事业以来,她就被告知,作为一个妇女,她只能得到工程师助理的工作。He said that at the start of her career esther conwell was told that as a woman she could only get a job as an engineer's assistant.“亲爱的艾比”或艾比盖尔·范布伦的真名叫波林·埃丝特·弗里德曼。"Dear abby" or abigail van buren is in fact pauline esther friedman.《红楼梦》与《飘》生命美学比较研究Comparison research of the life esthetics between "a dream of red mansion" and "gone with the wind"本文还初步探讨了巴赫键盘作品装饰音的美学价值。We also discuss esthetics value about ornamentation in bach's keyboard music.当日,亚哈随鲁王把犹大人仇敌哈曼的家产,赐给王后以斯帖。On that day did the king ahasuerus give the house of haman the jews'enemy unto esther the queen.东方美学和艺术是不同于西方美学和艺术的另一种美学体系和艺术形态。Eastern esthetics and art are quite different from that of western.凡看见以斯帖的都喜悦她。And esther won the favor of everyone who saw her.干练的短发女性尽可以尝试高领旗袍,,现代的搭配美学强调的就是一点点刻意的不和谐。The capable short hair female may attempt the high-necked chinese dress the modern age matches esthetics emphasis is a spot sedulously is not harmonious.国际美学与整容术委员会;International committee for esthetics and cosmetology;假美学家;伪古典主义。A pseudo esthete; pseudoclassic.夸张与写实并用、理想与现实共存以及缺陷美的渲染是传统小说塑造草莽英雄的共同审美追求。The common esthetic pursuit of such traditional fiction is the combination of hyperbole and realism the co-existence of ideal and reality and the exaggeration of defective beauty.吕荧是中国当代美学史上的一位具有重要地位的美学家,他对中国当代美学的发展作出了突出的贡献,值得让人永远追怀。As an important esthetician in the history of chinese contemporary aesthetics lu ying made a prominent contribution to the chinese contemporary aesthetics so he deserved to be remembered forever.末底改抚养他叔叔的女儿哈大沙,就是以斯帖,因为她没有父母;这女子形貌美丽。And he was foster father to hadassah that is esther his uncle's daughter for she had neither father nor mother; and the young woman was beautiful in form and appearance.其创作表现出以怪异为美、以丑为美的审美取平向。Their creations showed their esthetic orientation to regard the weird and the ugly as the beautiful.其次手机短信的狂欢化美学色彩也体现了其民间本质;Second the esthetics color of revel exhibits its folk essence.





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