发布时间:2022-01-12 19:00
【文章来源】:西南财经大学四川省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:91 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Methods and Objectives
1.3 Significance of the Research
1.4 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review and Theoretical Framework
2.1 Zhou Zuoren and His Translations of Children's Literature
2.2 Previous Studies of Zhou Zuoren's Translations of Children's Literature
2.3 Research Questions
2.4 Theoretical Framework
2.4.1 An Overview of Descriptive Translation Studies
2.4.2 The Development of Norm Theory
2.4.3 Gideon Toury's Translation Norms Theory
2.4.4 Criticism of Toury's Translation Norms Theory
Chapter Three Translation Norms of Children's Literature in the Late Qing Dynasty and the May 4th Period
3.1 Translation Norms of Children's Literature in the Late Qing Dynasty
3.1.1 Important Translators, Presses and Magazines
3.1.2 Selection of Text and Translation Purpose
3.1.3 Translation Strategy
3.1.4 Classical Chinese and Zhanghui Style
3.2 Translation Norms of Children's Literature in the May 4th Period
3.2.1 The High Tide of Children's Literature Translation
3.2.2 "Children-Centered" Viewpoint and "Realistic" Viewpoint
3.2.3 Translation Strategy
3.2.4 Vernacular Chinese
Chapter Four Zhou Zuoren's Translations of Children's Literature in the Late Qing Dynasty
4.1 The Descriptive Analysis of Xia' nvnu
4.1.1 An Introduction to Xia' nvnu
4.1.2 Translation Purpose
4.1.3 Translation Strategy
4.2 The Descriptive Analysis of Anle Prince
4.2.1 Analysis of Preliminary Norms
4.2.2 Analysis of Operational Norms
4.2.3 Reasons for the Failure of Acceptance of Anle Prince
4.3 Summary
Chapter Five Zhou Zuoren's Translations of Children's Literature in the May 4 th Period
5.1 From the Discovery of Children to Children's Literature
5.1.1 Zhou Zuoren's Views on Children
5.1.2 Zhou Zuoren's Views on Children's Literature
5.2 Zhou Zuoren and Hans Christian Andersen
5.3 Zhou Zuoren's Translation Decisions in The Emperor s New Clothes
5.3.1 Literal Translation
5.3.2 Plain Classical Chinese
5.3.3 Intended Readers
5.4 Zhou Zuoren's Translation Decisions in The Little Match Girl
5.4.1 Literal Translation
5.4.2 Vernacular Chinese
5.4.3 Words and Phrases
5.4.4 Europeanized Translation and Directness of Translation
5.4.5 Illustrations and Paper Quality
5.5 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings of the Research
6.2 Limitations of the Research
[1]翻译与现代白话规范[J]. 廖七一. 外国语文. 2010(03)
[2]周氏兄弟的《域外小说集》:翻译规范的失与得[J]. 廖七一. 外语研究. 2009(06)
[3]“人的文学”:由来与终结——周作人前期的文学翻译与其文艺思想[J]. 李春. 鲁迅研究月刊. 2009(09)
[4]多元系统论中的规范概念[J]. 张南峰. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2008(05)
[5]图里翻译规范论评介——读《翻译中规范的性质与作用》[J]. 吴欣欣. 成才之路. 2008(19)
[6]论中国现代儿童文学发生期的语言变革[J]. 谈凤霞. 南京师大学报(社会科学版). 2007(06)
[7]王尔德童话的道德阐释:以《快乐王子》为例[J]. 刘茂生. 世界文学评论. 2007(02)
[8]“五四”时期儿童文学翻译简论[J]. 夏丹. 长江论坛. 2007(01)
[9]论周作人的儿童文学翻译思想[J]. 张道振. 安阳工学院学报. 2006(03)
[10]清末民初(1898~1919)儿童文学翻译鸟瞰[J]. 李丽. 三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2005(01)
[1]晚清儿童文学翻译与中国儿童文学之诞生[D]. 张建青.复旦大学 2008
[1]论奥斯卡·王尔德童话汉译[D]. 李琳.湖南师范大学 2007
【文章来源】:西南财经大学四川省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:91 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Methods and Objectives
1.3 Significance of the Research
1.4 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review and Theoretical Framework
2.1 Zhou Zuoren and His Translations of Children's Literature
2.2 Previous Studies of Zhou Zuoren's Translations of Children's Literature
2.3 Research Questions
2.4 Theoretical Framework
2.4.1 An Overview of Descriptive Translation Studies
2.4.2 The Development of Norm Theory
2.4.3 Gideon Toury's Translation Norms Theory
2.4.4 Criticism of Toury's Translation Norms Theory
Chapter Three Translation Norms of Children's Literature in the Late Qing Dynasty and the May 4th Period
3.1 Translation Norms of Children's Literature in the Late Qing Dynasty
3.1.1 Important Translators, Presses and Magazines
3.1.2 Selection of Text and Translation Purpose
3.1.3 Translation Strategy
3.1.4 Classical Chinese and Zhanghui Style
3.2 Translation Norms of Children's Literature in the May 4th Period
3.2.1 The High Tide of Children's Literature Translation
3.2.2 "Children-Centered" Viewpoint and "Realistic" Viewpoint
3.2.3 Translation Strategy
3.2.4 Vernacular Chinese
Chapter Four Zhou Zuoren's Translations of Children's Literature in the Late Qing Dynasty
4.1 The Descriptive Analysis of Xia' nvnu
4.1.1 An Introduction to Xia' nvnu
4.1.2 Translation Purpose
4.1.3 Translation Strategy
4.2 The Descriptive Analysis of Anle Prince
4.2.1 Analysis of Preliminary Norms
4.2.2 Analysis of Operational Norms
4.2.3 Reasons for the Failure of Acceptance of Anle Prince
4.3 Summary
Chapter Five Zhou Zuoren's Translations of Children's Literature in the May 4 th Period
5.1 From the Discovery of Children to Children's Literature
5.1.1 Zhou Zuoren's Views on Children
5.1.2 Zhou Zuoren's Views on Children's Literature
5.2 Zhou Zuoren and Hans Christian Andersen
5.3 Zhou Zuoren's Translation Decisions in The Emperor s New Clothes
5.3.1 Literal Translation
5.3.2 Plain Classical Chinese
5.3.3 Intended Readers
5.4 Zhou Zuoren's Translation Decisions in The Little Match Girl
5.4.1 Literal Translation
5.4.2 Vernacular Chinese
5.4.3 Words and Phrases
5.4.4 Europeanized Translation and Directness of Translation
5.4.5 Illustrations and Paper Quality
5.5 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings of the Research
6.2 Limitations of the Research
[1]翻译与现代白话规范[J]. 廖七一. 外国语文. 2010(03)
[2]周氏兄弟的《域外小说集》:翻译规范的失与得[J]. 廖七一. 外语研究. 2009(06)
[3]“人的文学”:由来与终结——周作人前期的文学翻译与其文艺思想[J]. 李春. 鲁迅研究月刊. 2009(09)
[4]多元系统论中的规范概念[J]. 张南峰. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2008(05)
[5]图里翻译规范论评介——读《翻译中规范的性质与作用》[J]. 吴欣欣. 成才之路. 2008(19)
[6]论中国现代儿童文学发生期的语言变革[J]. 谈凤霞. 南京师大学报(社会科学版). 2007(06)
[7]王尔德童话的道德阐释:以《快乐王子》为例[J]. 刘茂生. 世界文学评论. 2007(02)
[8]“五四”时期儿童文学翻译简论[J]. 夏丹. 长江论坛. 2007(01)
[9]论周作人的儿童文学翻译思想[J]. 张道振. 安阳工学院学报. 2006(03)
[10]清末民初(1898~1919)儿童文学翻译鸟瞰[J]. 李丽. 三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2005(01)
[1]晚清儿童文学翻译与中国儿童文学之诞生[D]. 张建青.复旦大学 2008
[1]论奥斯卡·王尔德童话汉译[D]. 李琳.湖南师范大学 2007