本文关键词: 公共空间 公共艺术 动态雕塑 应用 出处:《吉林建筑大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The creative expression and application of the public art of dynamic sculpture in the public environment space will combine the traditional dynamic sculpture art with the contemporary public art in a specific angle and then take the actual creation as the foundation. Try to comb the dynamic sculpture art to contemporary public art contribution and role, and through first-hand dynamic sculpture in the public space of artistic creation practice, explore on the basis of predecessors. Since the discovery of dynamic sculpture, it has been widely favored, and with its unique "form tension" and "entertainment". Bring visual novelty and full of life rhythm feast enjoyment, especially combined with the urban environment space public art practical creation and application, make modern urban space art forms rich and diverse. To give new blood to the vitality of the city, to build the public spirit of the city, to shape the image of the city. Theoretical basis: the subject of public space, public art, dynamic sculpture as the clue. The development process of the three and the current situation at home and abroad are analyzed, and the interplay between them is further summarized, with emphasis on the interaction between dynamic sculpture and public art. Research on the Application and expression of dynamic Sculpture in Public Art creation. Practical experience: analysis and investigation of classic cases of environmental dynamic sculpture and public art. Accumulation of rich indirect practical experience. Secondly, the author focuses on the analysis and summary of the two large-scale public art projects to provide direct practical creative experience. Based on the above two points plus the analysis of the art situation. Under the joint action of the three, the author instructs the author to apply two cases to the practical application of the public art of dynamic sculpture in order to prove the theoretical and practical research value of the subject. Finally, the author draws a conclusion and looks forward to the development trend.
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