本文关键词: 体用 本体 声—象—义 结构—肌质 本体论关联 出处:《学术研究》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:From the same point of view, both "body use" and "Noumenon" were originally philosophical categories. From "body use" to the late Tang and five dynasties, "Noumenon" to New criticism, especially Lantham, became poetic category. Both of them put the ontology of language and the ontology of the world. The internal Noumenon of poetry is connected with the external ontology, starting with the limitation of semantic function, emphasizing the richness of the internal Noumenon function of the language "sound-image-meaning". It shows the richness of the ontological connection between poetry and the external body, that is, the world (Tao) and the human (emotion), and the richness of the relationship between man and the world constructed by poetry, which is not confined to the noumenal nature of poetry. Lantham's "Structure-Muscular" theory emphasizes the richness of poetry in terms of "image" and its function ("use"). Showing the infinite richness of the universe's ontology ("body"). But by denying the expressive power of the phonetic structure and cutting off the ontological connection between poetry and the emotional world of man, it can be seen that it has not completely escaped from the use of the body. The western traditional stereotype of the dichotomy of subject and object. Taking the combination of subject and object as the foothold, the author makes a deep comparative study on the theory of "ontology" and "body use", which will promote the reconstruction of the relationship between literary ontology in the course of the development of Chinese and Western Huitong and theoretical system. There are important revelations.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院文学研究所;
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