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发布时间:2018-03-25 13:52

  本文选题:柏拉图 切入点:灵感说 出处:《聊城大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Inspiration is an important proposition in the western literary theory, it mainly scattered in the various historical periods to literary criticism or writers experience. These theories are scattered sources is closely related with the writer's creative ability. From the inspiration the evolution of the development process, we can see the development and changes the role of the author. In western literary theory, theory of inspiration scattered and not system, although the rich but not easy to summarize, and inspired many problems related to people's non rational aspects, people use rational language to its clear. Therefore, there has not been a theorist of careful research on the inspiration of Western literature in theory, the establishment of the system theory. This paper selects three master theory of inspiration in the western literary theory into, by analyzing their theory of inspiration, trying to more clearly show the spirit General sense of evolvement of the theory, and then reveals the development status of the evolution trajectory. The introduction part summarizes the inspiration rheological concepts, summarizes the research status of inspiration, explains the reasons of choosing the topic and significance. The first chapter mainly from Platon's "inspiration theory" to analyze the subjectivity of the poet: from "the inspiration" God said the poet passed down generation speech, the wisdom of God. In this transfer process, the poet is between God and man in the media, the tension between the God and man; from "recalled" to really good poets, in love under the impetus of the pursuit of beauty, depicts the realization of trajectory poet subjectivity. By defining the poet subjectivity limit, demonstrates the poet's subjectivity in God and the people of the poet's tension, media is the poet subjectivity position of subjectivity. Therefore, the poet is still in an embryonic state. In the second chapter, the main The change from Kant's "genius" to demonstrate the role of the author. This chapter first analyzes the theory of inspiration in Kant's genius embodiment reveals Kant's genius from said will drop some supernatural power sources of inspiration by the poet outside of the poet to the people themselves, this change, not only embodies the poet the awakening of subjectivity, and the poet from the vassal status creation into the main body of creation. Then through the demonstration of the creation of genius ability within the limited scope of human intellectual transformation, further demonstrates the poet's status. Finally through the analysis of Kant's notion of organic unity and Teleology in Kant's concept, summed up the genius. Although the poets from the poet's own, but the ultimate goal is to Kant's genius through inspiration from nature to freedom realm. Genius as the law of art unfolded a perfect life, In another sense lead humanity rise. Therefore, in Kant's theory of genius, the poet's subjectivity reflected in the natural and free of tension, is the further development and reveal the nature and freedom in harmony. The third chapter mainly transition from two aspects of Nietzsche's Apollonian and Dionysian spirit to analyze the argument of the author status. This chapter first analyzes the relationship between Dionysus and Apollo, inspiration. Out of two yuan of art which Nietzsche's Apollonian and Dionysian spirit rooted in the creation of own impulse aspect by poets, all belong to the source of inspiration, in the face of the inheritance and development of the theory of inspiration in the non rational layer. Secondly, the article demonstrates the process of Apollonian artist to create beautiful appearance is the poet subjectivity is continually generated. And then demonstrates the Dionysian artist in the destruction of individual appearance of Apollo Cheng, is the poet subjectivity of deconstruction. The poet subjectivity is dispelled after the return of the world will push the world. It is also in the will, Apollo and Dionysus entered the eternal realm, in eternal samsara, Apollo and Dionysus alliance to improve coordination, so as to create a more powerful life. The poet's subjectivity in eternal samsara constantly generating and Deconstruction in coordination in the beyond. In short, the relevant ideas through the analysis of the three master inspiration theories in the western literary theory, a winner, we found that with the development and evolution of the theory of inspiration, the poet's position is also changing. This change can be simply divided into the embryonic stage poet subjectivity, deconstruction and beyond the stage development stage of poet subjectivity and poet subjectivity. In the three stage, the poet's although all out There is a certain limit, but from the perspective of the history of the development of inspiration theory, the longitudinal analysis of the poet's subjectivity is constantly developing and transcending.



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