发布时间:2018-05-06 11:47
本文选题:《京华烟云》 + 语篇 ; 参考:《东北大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】:《京华烟云》,被誉为中国的“当代红楼梦”,是中西文坛巨擘林语堂先生最著名的英文小说之一。这部小说通过北京三大家族—姚家、曾家和牛家的故事讲述,描述了从义和团运动到抗日战争期间中国社会发生的巨大变化。《京华烟云》是中国现实社会的生动反映,也是对封建军阀和日军残酷暴行的直接揭露。 《京华烟云》的中译本不止一种,唯两版本脱颖而出,即张振玉的《京华烟云》和郁飞的《瞬息京华》。张振玉是台湾大学的英语教授,他一直致力于将林语堂先生的英文作品译成中文,其大部分译作深受中国读者喜爱。张的译本由两卷组成,他给每一部分的每一章节加了标题,标题为七到十一字的对偶句,总结概括该章的内容大意。郁飞是著名中国文人郁达夫的儿子。他全身心地投入到这部小说的翻译中,誓呈现出忠实于原文的,具有老北京特色的译作。 关于林语堂的《京华烟云》及其中译本,许多学者和学生们已经从不同角度做过研究,如哲学,美学,文化等方面,然而,很少有人从语篇衔接方面从事过研究。本文以韩礼德的系统功能语法为基础,通过语篇分析将以上两中译本的衔接手段作了比较研究。韩礼德认为语言有三大纯理功能,即:概念功能,人际功能和语篇功能。衔接是在语篇功能中讨论的,它对语篇的连贯起着重要作用。衔接主要通过四类衔接结来实现,即:照应、省略和替代、连接以及词汇衔接。由于本文旨在指明语篇分析的重要性,尤其是读写过程中衔接手段运用的重要性,本文只对其中一些衔接手段进行研究。 从两中译本的比较研究中作者发现,在衔接手段的运用以及中华文化的表现方面,郁飞的译本优于张振玉的译本,然而在语言的流畅和情节的描述方面,张振玉的译本则更夺人眼球。本文只讨论衔接方面,因而作者认为郁飞的译本更胜一筹。 作者希望译者能在从事中英文翻译过程中留意衔接的运用,并同时注意到英汉两种语言中衔接的不同。此外,作者希望此文还能激起译者的语篇能力意识,以益于将语篇分析理论运用于今后的翻译实践。
[Abstract]:Jinghua Yanyun, known as China's Dream of Contemporary Red Mansions, is one of the most famous English novels of Chinese and Western literary giant Lin Yutang. The novel is told through the stories of the Yao, Zeng and Niu families in Beijing, describing the tremendous changes that have taken place in Chinese society from the Boxer Movement to the War of Resistance against Japan. It was also a direct exposure to the brutal atrocities of feudal warlords and Japanese troops. There is more than one Chinese translation of Jinghua smoke Cloud, but only two versions stand out, namely Zhang Zhenyu's Beijing Huayun and Yu Fei's. Zhang Zhenyu, a professor of English at the University of Taiwan, has been devoted to translating Mr. Lin Yutang's works into Chinese, most of which are popular with Chinese readers. Zhang's translation consists of two volumes, and he gives each chapter of each part a title, with a title of seven to eleven words, to summarize the main content of the chapter. Yu Fei is the son of the famous Chinese literati Yu Dafu. He devoted himself to the translation of the novel, vowing to present a faithful translation with the characteristics of Old Beijing. Many scholars and students have done some research on Lin Yutang's "Jinghua Yanyun" and its Chinese translation from different angles, such as philosophy, aesthetics, culture and so on. However, few have done research on textual cohesion. Based on Halliday's systemic functional grammar, this paper makes a comparative study of the cohesive devices in the two Chinese versions through discourse analysis. Halliday holds that language has three main functions: conceptual function, interpersonal function and textual function. Cohesion is discussed in discourse function, which plays an important role in discourse coherence. Cohesion is mainly achieved by four types of cohesion knots, namely, anaphora, ellipsis and substitution, conjunction and lexical cohesion. Since the purpose of this thesis is to point out the importance of discourse analysis, especially the importance of the use of cohesive devices in the process of reading and writing, this paper studies only some of them. From the comparative study of the two Chinese versions, the author finds that Yu Fei's version is superior to Zhang Zhenyu's in the use of cohesive devices and the expression of Chinese culture, but in terms of language fluency and plot description. Zhang Zhenyu's translation is even more eye-catching. This paper deals only with cohesion, so the author thinks Yu Fei's translation is superior. The author hopes that the translator will pay attention to the use of cohesion in the process of translating English and Chinese and at the same time pay attention to the differences in cohesion between English and Chinese. In addition, the author hopes that the text can arouse the translator's sense of textual competence and benefit from the application of discourse analysis theory to translation practice in the future.
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1 崔臻;目的论视域下Moment in Peking两个中文译本对比研究[D];山东大学;2013年