本文选题:文艺美学 + 天人感应 ; 参考:《广西师范学院》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:本论文以董仲舒美学思想的哲学基础为切入点,揭示其美学的理论建构和丰富内涵,阐述董仲舒文艺美学思想的理论内涵和理论建构出发,进而分析其思想丰富的美学意蕴及其对后世审美观念的影响。 董仲舒的“天人合一”思想是由“天人不分”、“天人相分”发展而来的,他发挥了“天”的意义,主要是从“天人感应”角度展开对天人关系的论述。天与人的同质同构,人对天的主观性把握,与天对人的绝对权威是董仲舒“天人合一”思想的独特性所在。就审美而言,“仁”是美的本质,“和”是美的维度,“阴阳五行”是美的动因,“礼乐法天”是美的表现,“人参天道”是美的生成。如果说先秦儒家尊天是为了提升自我人格境界,那么董仲舒论天是为了求证君主统治的合法性。董仲舒所说的“仁”,是人的性情在禀受了天的意志之后形成的,是沟通天人之际的中介。天道运行表现“仁”,“人”只有与“天”相“和”才能达到“仁”的境界。“天”在董仲舒思想里具有绝对的权威,甚至附着了神秘的色彩。然而儒学神学化却是借助于经学阐释来实现的。董仲舒所开启的经学权威化和经学的话语霸权对当时文艺美学思想影响深远,他强化了文艺创作中征圣、宗经、载道的观念,凸显着审美的教化职能,使审美完全变成了政治的附庸。我们认为,董仲舒思想中的审美是合理性、合法性、合情性的统一。
[Abstract]:Based on the philosophical basis of Dong Zhongshu's aesthetic thought, this paper reveals the theoretical construction and rich connotation of its aesthetics, and expounds the theoretical connotation and theoretical construction of Dong Zhongshu's literary and artistic aesthetics. Then it analyzes its rich aesthetic meaning and its influence on the aesthetic concept of later generations. Dong Zhongshu's thought of "the unity of man and nature" is developed from "no distinction between heaven and man" and "separation of heaven and man". He has played the meaning of "heaven", mainly from the angle of "the sense of nature and man" to discuss the relationship between heaven and man. The uniqueness of Dong Zhongshu's thought of "the unity of nature and man" lies in the isomorphism of nature and man, the subjective grasp of heaven and man, and the absolute authority of heaven and man. As far as aesthetics is concerned, "benevolence" is the essence of beauty, "and" is the dimension of beauty, "Yin and Yang" is the motivation of beauty, "ritual law and heaven" is the expression of beauty, and "ginseng heaven way" is the generation of beauty. If the pre-Qin Confucianists respected heaven to improve their self-personality, then Dong Zhongshu was trying to verify the legitimacy of monarchy. Dong Zhongshu's "benevolence" is formed by the will of nature and the medium of communication between human beings and human beings. "benevolence", "man" and "Heaven" and "benevolence" can be achieved only in the operation of Heaven. Heaven has absolute authority and even mysterious color in Dong Zhongshu's thought. However, the theology of Confucianism is realized by means of the explanation of Confucian classics. The authoritarianism of Confucian classics and the discourse hegemony of Confucian classics opened by Dong Zhongshu had a profound influence on the literary and artistic aesthetics at that time. He strengthened the concepts of consecration, scripture and Taoism in literary and artistic creation, and highlighted the function of aesthetic enlightenment. The aesthetic has completely become a political vassal. We believe that the aesthetics in Dong Zhongshu's thought is the unity of rationality, legitimacy and reasonableness.
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