本文选题:艺术特征 + 外来艺术文化 ; 参考:《福建师范大学》2010年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Regarding the artistic characteristics of the Meiji Restoration period, although many experts and scholars at home and abroad have discussed or discussed it, it is basically an analysis of the artistic characteristics of the Meiji period from the longitudinal perspective of the history of various art categories. It is usually confined to one kind of art history itself. This paper makes a comparative study of the development and changes of the main art categories in Japan during the Meiji Restoration period by using the research method of the secondary subject art, and analyzes the characteristics of the government policy, the social trend of thought, the trend of artistic thought, the trend of thought of the times, and the characteristics of the times. The characteristics of Japanese art development inheritance and Japanese national character, combined with the phenomenon of art development at that time, negate the conclusion that the superficial phenomena such as the Westernization of art were regarded as the artistic characteristics of that period. It is believed that the artistic characteristics during the Meiji Restoration period are the process of Japanese art seeking the balance of the development of western art, non-western art and Japanese traditional art in contradiction.
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