本文选题:翻译策略 + 当代文学 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This translation practice report explores the English-Chinese translation practice project of Eleanor Brown's novel the Light of Paris. According to the first chapter of the novel, which is based on translation practice, the Light of Paris tells the story of Madeleine and her grandmother Maggie chasing their dreams and pursuing their own happy life. The main purpose of this report is to combine the translation theory learned during the Master of Translation with the specific translation practice, and to make a careful analysis, study and summary of the translation process. As a common literary genre, contemporary novels are popular with readers. At the same time, the translation of novels has attracted more and more attention from translators. Different writers have different writing styles. How to reproduce the original style in the translation so that the target readers and the original readers can get the same or similar reading experience is a great challenge to the translators. In translation practice, the author makes use of Eugene Nida's theory of functional equivalence. Through the examples in translation practice, this paper explores the translation strategies and methods of this kind of text translation. The translation practice of this report consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The introduction mainly introduces the background of the topic, the current situation of contemporary literary translation, the problems to be solved in this practical report, and the practical value and practical significance of this translation practice. The first chapter is the description of translation task, including the author, the outline of the novel, the target of translation task and the translation theory. The second chapter describes the translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation proofreading. Pre-translation preparation includes the reading of the original text, the selection of translation tools and the search of relevant materials. In the course of preparation, the author read the original text again and again, under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, and adopted different translation methods and techniques for different cases. After the translation of the novel, the author constantly revised and revised the translation. The third chapter is the case analysis, which is the top priority of this report. In this part, some representative cases are selected, guided by functional equivalence theory, and some translation strategies and techniques are used to analyze these cases in order to achieve functional equivalence between the original text and the target text. In conclusion, the author summarizes the problems in the process of translation and the problems that should be paid attention to in translation learning in the future, and shares the achievements of the translation practice.
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