本文选题:文艺创作 + 低俗化 ; 参考:《西南大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 作为人们对生活的提炼、升华和表达方式之一,文艺是陶冶人的人格境界和提升人类精神品质的重要载体,通过对文艺的传承和提炼,人类社会不断地提高着文明的高度,也使人类追求幸福成为可能。然而,在当前我国经济社会发展转型的特殊历史时期,一方面由于受多元化的社会思潮影响,另一方面受市场经济大潮的冲击,文艺创作在逐渐被市场化、商业化的过程中出现了过分娱乐化,乃至低俗化的不良倾向。比如文艺创作在格调上的庸俗化、在内容上的过度暴露化和情色化、在文艺表现形式上的荒诞化、为了取悦于观众而降低自我的媚俗化等等。这些不良倾向不仅给整个社会的精神文化环境带来了极其消极的影响,而且还败坏了文艺创作自身的品质,严重影响了文艺创作的健康发展。 文艺创作要走上一条健康发展的道路,离不开积极、健康、向上的伦理价值观的引导。文艺创作的过程,首先与创作者自身的伦理价值取向紧密相关,不同的伦理价值取向不仅影响文艺创作的风格,而且还会直接影响其作品的品质与品位,进而对整个社会的精神文化环境产生直接地影响。面对当前文艺创作日益严重的低俗化倾向,如果我们不予以高度的关注与重视,不能在社会文化治理上予以有效遏制,其后果必将严重恶化社会环境,败坏国民的精神品质。 本文在全面分析了文艺创作的各种低俗化表现的同时,深刻地剖析了其形成的深层次原因,并积极寻求对策以期能够找到解决这一问题的策略和办法,希望能够在这种伦理的审视与反思当中给我们留下一些有益的启示。
[Abstract]:As one of the ways of people's refining, sublimation and expression of life, literature and art is an important carrier to cultivate people's personality and improve the quality of human spirit. Through the inheritance and refinement of literature and art, the human society is constantly improving the height of civilization. It also makes it possible for human beings to pursue happiness. However, in the special historical period of economic and social development and transformation in our country, on the one hand, due to the influence of diversified social trends of thought, on the other hand, due to the impact of the market economy, literary and artistic creation is gradually being market-oriented. In the process of commercialization, there is a tendency of excessive entertainment and even vulgarization. For example, literary creation is vulgar in style, over-exposed and erotic in content, absurd in literary form, and so on. These unhealthy tendencies have not only brought extremely negative influence to the spiritual and cultural environment of the whole society, but also damaged the quality of literary and artistic creation itself and seriously affected the healthy development of literary and artistic creation. Literary creation must take a healthy development road, can not be separated from the positive, healthy, upward guidance of ethical values. First of all, the process of literary and artistic creation is closely related to the creators' own ethical value orientation. Different ethical value orientations not only affect the style of literary and artistic creation, but also directly affect the quality and taste of their works. Furthermore, it has a direct impact on the spiritual and cultural environment of the whole society. In the face of the increasingly serious tendency of vulgarization of literary and artistic creation, if we do not attach great importance to it and can not effectively contain it in the social and cultural governance, its consequences will seriously worsen the social environment and undermine the spiritual quality of the people. This paper analyzes all kinds of vulgarization of literary and artistic creation, and at the same time, deeply analyzes the deep-seated causes of its formation, and actively seeks for countermeasures in order to find strategies and methods to solve this problem. I hope to give us some useful enlightenment in this kind of ethical examination and reflection.
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