[Abstract]:As an experimental field in the context of technology economy, there have been many problems in art consumption finance, such as structural imbalance, serious financial bubble, non-standard trading mode, imperfect trading credit system and so on. From the aspect of technology research and development, the lack of relevant core technology innovation, the lag of technical methods and the difference of technical standards are the main reasons for the above problems, and also the main reasons for the stagnation of the art consumption industry at present. In the future, the innovation of art consumption finance should start with more details of technical activities, accelerate the research and development of core technology, and form a new technological paradigm, unified technical standards and general technical methods. By reshaping the industry chain, supply chain and value chain of art consuming finance, it can promote the healthy and sustainable development of art consumption finance.
【作者单位】: 湖南工程学院设计艺术学院;湖南大学新闻传播与影视艺术学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金艺术学重大项目“文化产品价值评估的方法与标准研究”(15ZD04) 湖南省哲学社科基金重点项目“艺术品价值评估数据库建设与应用研究”(16ZDB68) 2015年中央文化企业国有资本经营预算项目“艺术品鉴证备案数据采集系统开发与数据库建设项目”
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