[Abstract]:In the 1970s, translation studies began to turn to cultural factors, which were no longer confined to the linguistic level, but were explored in the macro context of culture, society and history, which opened up a new perspective of translation studies. There are many cultural schools, among which Lefefort's rewriting theory has a special status. He puts forward that all translation is rewriting and manipulation. The two major factors of manipulation are ideology and poetics. This reflects the important position of cultural factors in the process of translation. Lin Shu, a late Qing literate, did not understand foreign language, but co-translated with people who knew foreign languages. He and his collaborators translated more than 180 works, a special phenomenon of a special age. His first translation of Paris Camellia is a collaboration with Wang Shouchang. On the one hand, the translation was a great success, and it became popular overseas, with more than 20 re-translations, and was widely welcomed and well received. On the other hand, because his translation showed clear signs of "rewriting," he added, abridged and changed a lot. He was criticized as an unfaithful translator. This paper explores the influence of ideology and poetics on the translation of Paris Camellia. As a member of the target culture group, the translator is bound to be influenced by the target culture. Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze the influence of ideology and poetics on translation from the perspective of history, culture and society, and from the perspective of history, culture and society, starting with the ideology and poetics of the target language. According to the two major factors of ideology and poetics, This thesis is divided into two chapters: the first chapter analyzes the various ideological forms that influence the translation of Paris Camellia and the influence of these ideological forms on translation. Chapter two analyzes the poetics that influences the translation of Paris Camellia and the influence of poetics on translation. Although Lin Shu is a common topic in Chinese translation circles and Lefefort's rewriting theory is often cited, Paris Camellia Legend, as a French novel, is seldom discussed by French researchers in combination with Lefefort's theory. Therefore, this paper chooses this topic and discusses the details of some texts in combination with the factors beyond the two texts, hoping to make some additions to the study of translation.
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