[Abstract]:The evolutionary process of "view" in Wang Guowei's poetics is the key to know and understand the category and law of realm. Starting from the primitive cognitive mode of "viewing things and taking images", to the aesthetic experience of "feeling for things, things for things", and the formation of the relationship between feelings and circumstances, it has realized the leap from the enlightenment of natural aesthetic thinking to the maturity of social emotional culture. Wang Guowei used the modern western individualism cognition theory, that is, the "view" of genius, to transform the "view" of ancient literature with social emotion color, and to thoroughly transform the old essence of emotion in art. In Wang Guowei's view, art should present "objective and pure knowledge" or the essential state of cosmic life, thus forming the "realm" view with modern life consciousness. The four-stage view is the greatest discovery from the Shinto to the physical and then to the personal genius. In the sense of enlightenment modernity, the theory of "realm" of life has a significant cultural significance and is a powerful medicine for traditional culture.
【作者单位】: 西南大学文学院;四川外国语大学社会科学部;
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