[Abstract]:The translation theory of social semiotics came into being in the late 1980's. It studies translation from the broad perspective of social semiotics, and from the beginning, it draws lessons from the rich achievements of linguistics and communicative schools in translation studies, and is constantly perfected by scholars at home and abroad in the process of development. Nida (Eugene A. Nida) calls it the most comprehensive and generally applicable translation theory. This thesis reports on the process of translating Mark Harden's novel "Gun" using the theory of social semiotics, and summarizes the solutions to the problems encountered by the author in the process of translation. On the basis of this, the author discusses the important role of social semiotic translation theory in guiding the translation of English novels into Chinese. In the process of translating the source text, the author always follows the standard of social semiotics, and first accurately understands the multiple meanings of the original text, and then attempts to express it by using the translation methods such as gain, point of view conversion, materialization, generalization, interpretation and so on. In order to achieve the equivalence between the original text and the translation. In the translation commentary, the author introduces the social semiotics, the translation theory of social semiotics and the three kinds of meanings (referential meaning, intraverbal meaning and pragmatic meaning) and the translation criteria of social semiotics. Taking the semantic theory of social semiotics as the framework, the author classifies the problems encountered in this translation practice and gives examples to illustrate the solutions to these problems. The translation theory of social semiotics reveals the essence of translation and puts forward concrete and feasible translation standards and methods which can effectively guide translation practice and improve the quality of translation. The three categories of meanings distinguished by social semiotics include all the meanings the translator can encounter in the process of translation. When applying the social semiotics translation theory, the translator should only focus on the transmission of meaning and try his best to translate the multiple meanings that the original symbols may contain in the specific context. Under certain circumstances, the translator may not be able to avoid the loss of meaning in the process of transmission, but even so, the translator should try his best to ensure the correct interpretation of the most important meaning in the specific context. The author hopes that the discussion and conclusion of this thesis will be helpful to the study of Chinese translation of English literary works in the future.
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