[Abstract]:This paper studies the Sinicized Marxist theory of literature and art, focusing on the period from 1921 to 1945, when Mao Zedong's literary and artistic thought was formed as a result of the Sinicization of Marxist literary theory. Under the current situation in which our country has made solid progress in building a socialist cultural power, it is beneficial for us to study and summarize the practical experience of the Sinicized Marxist literary and artistic theory in order to better adhere to and develop Marxist literary and artistic theory. Construct the socialist literature and art theory system. This paper focuses on the Sinicized Marxist literature and art theory from 1921 to 1945, mainly from the following aspects: firstly, this paper discusses the scientific connotation of the relevant concepts of the Sinicized Marxist literary theory. Including Marxist literary theory, Marxism in China, Marxist literary theory in China and other related concepts. Secondly, this paper discusses the origin and process of the formation of the Sinicized Marxist literary theory in the period from 1921 to 1945. This part mainly starts from the reality of this period. This paper explores the causes of the formation of Sinicized Marxist literary and artistic theory, and combs the forming process of Sinicized Marxist literary theory. Thirdly, this paper discusses the main contents of the Sinicized Marxist theory of literature and art from 1921 to 1945. This part includes the early Communists' exploration of the Sinicized Marxist literary theory and Mao Zedong's enrichment and development of the Sinicized Marxist literary theory, focusing on the exploration of Mao Zedong's literary and artistic theory. Finally, this paper discusses the significance and practical enlightenment of the Sinicized Marxist literary theory in the period from 1921 to 1945. This part mainly discusses the research significance of the Sinicized Marxist literary theory. And excavate from it the beneficial enlightenment to promote the Marxism literature and art theory in China at present.
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