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发布时间:2019-02-22 15:47
【摘要】: 接受美学理论是从读者角度来研究文学作品的文学批评理论。该理论认为文学作品充满了“未定处”和“空白”,是一个未完成的、多层次的图式结构。每个读者在阅读文本之前都具有一定的期待视野,作品的意义则依赖于读者的“具体化”。事实上,该理论主要强调文学研究要重视读者对文学作品的接受和理解。接受美学的这些观点引发了文学翻译研究的一场思辨,使研究者们由以研究“文本”为中心转向关注译者和译文读者。接受理论重视译者和译文读者在文学翻译中的积极作用,为文学翻译研究提供了一个新视角。 儿童文学翻译是文学翻译的一个分支,儿童文学翻译的目标读者是儿童,因此译者在翻译时既要考虑如何保存原作,又要考虑如何将原文的信息传递给译文。正是由于目标读者的特殊性,将接受美学理论运用到儿童文学翻译研究切实可行。 本文首先概述接受美学理论产生的根源及其主要思想,其次论述了接受美学对翻译研究的启发、隐含意义及从接受美学角度如何看待翻译的性质。论文第三章陈述了儿童文学的特征和儿童的认知特征,回顾了基于传统翻译理论的儿童文学翻译研究及其局限性,探讨了运用接受美学理论解释儿童文学翻译的可行性,并指出该理论可有效地指导儿童文学翻译实践。论文的第四章运用接受美学理论分析《杨柳风》两个中译本的区别和造成区别的主要因素。最后得出结论:接受美学理论不仅对儿童文学翻译具有很强的解释力,而且为客观的评价每一种译文提供了很好的理论依据。
[Abstract]:The theory of reception aesthetics is a theory of literary criticism which studies literary works from the perspective of readers. The theory holds that literary works are full of uncertainty and blankness, which is an unfinished, multi-level schema structure. Every reader has a certain vision of expectation before reading the text, and the meaning of the work depends on the materialization of the reader. In fact, the theory emphasizes the reader's acceptance and understanding of literary works. These viewpoints of reception aesthetics lead to a speculative study of literary translation, which shifts researchers' attention from the study of "text" to the attention of translators and target readers. Reception theory attaches importance to the positive role of translators and target readers in literary translation, which provides a new perspective for literary translation research. Children's literature translation is a branch of literary translation. The target readers of children's literature translation are children. Therefore, translators should not only consider how to preserve the original work, but also how to transmit the original information to the target text. Because of the particularity of the target readers, it is feasible to apply the theory of reception aesthetics to the study of children's literature translation. This paper first summarizes the origin of reception aesthetics and its main ideas, and then discusses the implications of reception aesthetics for translation studies, and discusses how to treat the nature of translation from the perspective of reception aesthetics. The third chapter describes the characteristics of children's literature and children's cognitive characteristics, reviews the study of children's literature translation based on traditional translation theory and its limitations, and probes into the feasibility of interpreting children's literature translation with the theory of reception aesthetics. It also points out that this theory can effectively guide the translation practice of children's literature. The fourth chapter analyzes the differences between the two Chinese versions of Yangliufeng and the main factors causing the differences. Finally, it is concluded that the theory of reception aesthetics not only has a strong explanatory power for children's literary translation, but also provides a good theoretical basis for the objective evaluation of each translation.


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