[Abstract]:As the saying goes, "hearing is false, seeing is true", this statement is not only a word of experience for thousands of years, but also has been regarded as the truth by many people. But is it true that what the eye sees is the thing itself, and what the ear hears is not the essence of the thing? Vision has fuzziness, since ancient times, human beings have a lot of illusion. Why isn't it possible that what we see with our own eyes is not what we have in mind? There is a certain scientific basis for this. Because of the structure of our eyes, the workings of the brain, our cognitive habits, and the bondage of a series of traditional ideas, seeing is not necessarily true. The human eye has the limitation, the human eye has the visual restriction. Normal eyes produce vision after exposure to light. But the human eye has its own special structure, not all light can produce vision. When people observe objects, due to the interference of shape, light and color, coupled with people's physiological and psychological reasons, mistaken recognition of objects will result in visual errors that are not in conformity with the reality. In general, clear thinking leads to clear language; thinking leads to nonsense. The training of thought is the training of language; the ability of thinking is the ability of language. On the one hand, the attention to language is the starting point of logic research, and language is essential, because all theoretical research should be carried out in the end. Without language, it is almost impossible to make judgments that fall within the realm of higher wisdom, especially in the field of science. Therefore, our logic research is very difficult to get rid of the attention to language. People's understanding of objective things always goes through a process of development from perceptual to rational, and the aesthetic experience of music is no exception. There are a lot of intuitive psychological processes in music creation activities, and the music psychological products with real creative significance are not only from psychology. There is a long history of understanding of the importance of reason in music, and intuition has been mentioned as important as rationality in the cognitive psychology theory. What this article wants to discuss is in the present art form, the vision in the uncertainty factor and the hearing rational factor in the art important function, the interrelation and the future development trend.
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