[Abstract]:Reproduction and expression are the basic problems of western literature and art theory. All along, theorists analyze the reappearance and expression of the essence of art from the function of art and the intention of the author. The problem of reproduction and expression runs through Dufheina's representative book phenomenology of aesthetic experience, which is an important issue in his phenomenological aesthetics. Dufheina's exposition proceeds from the composition of artistic works and the aesthetic experience of appreciators, and moves towards artistic ontology. Theme is the basic content of reproduction, and it is the expansion of theme that makes the reappearance world as aesthetic object appear. In aesthetic perceptual activities, aesthetic objects must be visualized from presentation to reproduction. Aesthetic objects have their own reappearance of the world, reproduction of the world has its own unique way of development, reproduction of the world has its own unique space-time structure. The authenticity of reproduction is reflected in reality, but under any circumstances, reproduction can not be comparable to reality. Aesthetic object has a reappearance world, but it is not a self-sufficient world, it must go to performance. The expression of the world as a world has its own unity, only obeys the emotional logic of an internal cohesion. The world represented by aesthetic objects is a world of deep meaning, and the thinking of its meaning must be supported by sympathetic thinking. The authenticity of the expression world includes that it is the real expression of the author's world, and it is also true to the reality, and fundamentally, it shows an emotional priori. Aesthetic objects represent a kind of emotional priori, which Dufhaina thinks has ontological significance. Unlike other theories of expression, Dufheina believes that emotional trait is both a priori of cosmological phenomena and a priori of existential phenomena, and that emotional priors are in cosmological phenomena (works of art) and existential phenomena (subject, Including creators and appreciators) is the same, is the two sides of the same priori, not only before the subject, but also before the object; It constitutes not only the subject but also the object. Emotion priori is a kind of meaning of existence, being reveals meaning by means of man and art. Both man and the world are subordinate to existence and reach unity in existence.
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