[Abstract]:Since the 20th century, there has been a trend of thought in art circles and theorists that negates aesthetics as the essential attribute of art, and art no longer displays beauty and does not have aesthetic character. This article starts with the logical relationship among the four types of artistic aesthetics, supplemented by their historical evolution, especially through the analysis of modern art, which is represented by absurdity. It shows that although the development of art has entered into the modern and even the post-modern, although the content of the expression has been different from the traditional "beauty" and even contrary to its interest, in essence, they do not deviate from the track of aesthetics. Finally, it is pointed out that making clear the aesthetic attribute of art is helpful to ensure the correct direction of artistic creation and avoid the misdirection of art sliding towards self-lost, anti-aesthetic and anti-artistic.
【作者单位】: 南京艺术学院;
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