[Abstract]:Li Shangyin, a famous poet in the late Tang Dynasty. Long parallel prose writing, poetry literary value is very high, he and du Mu called "Xiao Li du", and Wen Tingyun known as "Wen Li". The poem without title is Li Shangyin's representative work in the poetry art of Tang Dynasty, in which his feelings and state of mind are often regarded as the true ideological connotation, expressing the sorrow of his life and the misery of the situation, and expressing the ideological state of the intellectuals of the late Tang Dynasty in a profound and delicate way. Emotional fluctuations and psychological characteristics. Shakespeare was a great dramatist and poet of the English Renaissance in the 16th century. The Renaissance era made Shakespeare the highest achievement in drama, and his sonnets reflected the spirit of that era in different ways. There are differences in space-time, country, culture and social background between Li Shangyin and Shakespeare, but they can be compared in many ways. Shakespeare's time decided that his poetry thought content is positive, the language is fresh and beautiful, full of expressive, enlightening. The aesthetic characteristics in the special historical environment of the late Tang Dynasty also profoundly influenced the style of Li Shangyin's creation. The true feelings he realized from the gap between reality and ideals were expressed in the poem without title by euphemism and twists and turns. Poetry is unified in terms of its "truth, goodness and beauty." Li Shangyin's "truth" is embodied in his persistent sincerity of Confucian traditional poetic and educational rules and his personal character; Shakespeare's "truth" is related to the influence of humanism and represents truth and faithfulness. Li Shangyin's "good" melts in the "purity" of poetry, compared with the poets of the same era, his poems are pure and elegant, and do not fall into showy obscenity; Shakespeare's goodness is contained in his deep friendship with his friends and in his praise of their noble virtues. The difference is that Li Shangyin is a kind of tragic beauty, not only wrote the pain between the obstacles of love, but also lamented the desolation of his own destiny; Shakespeare, on the other hand, sings "the Beauty of Life", which is the pursuit of eternity and light. Shakespeare's sonnet and Li Shangyin's "No title" cover a lot of natural images. Although the Chinese and foreign languages are different, the poet's living background is different, and even there is no overlap in time. But the two poets still have similarities in the use and grasp of natural images. Taking the origin of Chinese and Western culture as the starting point, that is, "the unity of heaven and man" and "the separation of subject and object", this paper explores the essential differences and fundamental reasons behind these similar "natural images". There are many similarities in Psalm structure between the two types of poems, although English and Chinese are different languages, and there are also great differences in the form of expression. English uses formal cohesive devices, and Chinese uses paratactic cohesive devices, and there are many similarities between the two types of poems in terms of the structure of the Psalms, although English and Chinese are different languages and forms of expression. However, there are many similarities in the semantic coherence of the whole structure of the Psalms, all of which adopt the Psalm model of "take-off and turn-and-turn". The creation of Shakespeare's poetry is based on inheriting the traditional sonnet, giving individual characteristics and the spirit of the times at that time. Li Shangyin, on the other hand, chose to create a poem without title, which is more suitable for his subtle and quiet style of poetry, which he pushed to the extreme.
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