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发布时间:2019-05-22 12:08
【摘要】:中国武侠小说已有一千多年的发展历史,是中国通俗小说的一种重要类型。它构建了一个独特的武侠世界——江湖。伟大的武侠作品在给人们带来愉悦的同时还可以进一步引发读者对人性、社会、历史等进行深刻的思考。 在文化交流日益繁盛的今天,武侠小说的翻译已成为历史的必然趋势。但是国内的翻译界始终没有给予武侠翻译足够的重视。武侠小说中蕴含的丰富的文化内涵给翻译带来了重重困难,使很多翻译家望而却步。尽管武侠主题的相关作品在二十纪后半期已经对西方产生了一定影响,但武侠小说的翻译自从二十世纪末才真正开始。许多翻译家都将目光投向了金庸的作品。处于新旧武侠小说转型期的金庸武侠小说创新了武侠小说的艺术,并以其丰厚深刻的思想内涵和独特的艺术魅力深受社会各阶层读者的喜爱。其中《书剑恩仇录》是金庸的处女作,也是新旧武侠交接的产物,具有一定的典型性。 随着二十世纪七十年代末翻译研究“文化转向”的出现,译者的地位已经由传统的边缘位置提升到中心位置。翻译研究也越来越重视译者的审美观、文化立场、翻译目的、翻译原则等因素在翻译活动中的影响。顺应这一趋势,本论文试从译者主体性的角度探讨《书剑恩仇录》的翻译,分析译者的主观能动性在翻译过程中的表现及对选择译本、确定翻译策略和翻译方法等环节产生的影响。全文共分为六部分:第一部分说明选题动机,简要介绍了中国武侠小说及翻译研究现状。第二部分讨论了本文的理论基础——译者主体性。第三部分从宏观角度分析了译者主体性对《书剑恩仇录》翻译过程的影响。第四部分从微观角度对原文内容进行了分类讨论,并与相应的译文进行详细的比较分析,探讨了译者主体性在翻译过程中的具体表现。第五部分对译文进行了简要评价。最后是结论部分,点明武侠小说翻译这一课题的研究意义,对后续研究进行展望并提出一些个人建议。
[Abstract]:Chinese martial arts novels have a history of more than a thousand years and are an important type of Chinese popular novels. It has built a unique martial arts world-rivers and lakes. Great martial arts works can not only bring pleasure to people, but also arouse readers to think deeply about human nature, society, history and so on. With the increasing prosperity of cultural exchanges, the translation of martial arts novels has become an inevitable trend in history. However, the translation field in China has never paid enough attention to martial arts translation. The rich cultural connotation contained in martial arts novels brings many difficulties to translation and discourages many translators. Although the related works of martial arts theme had some influence on the West in the second half of the twentieth century, the translation of martial arts novels began only at the end of the twentieth century. Many translators have turned their attention to Jin Yong's works. Jin Yong's martial arts novels, which are in the transition period of new and old martial arts novels, innovate the art of martial arts novels, and are loved by readers from all walks of life because of their rich and profound ideological connotation and unique artistic charm. Among them, the Book Sword Endeavour is Jin Yong's maiden work, and it is also the product of the transfer of new and old martial arts, which has a certain typicality. With the emergence of "cultural turn" in translation studies in the late 1970s, the status of translators has been promoted from the traditional marginal position to the central position. Translation studies also pay more and more attention to the influence of translator's aesthetics, cultural position, translation purpose and translation principles in translation activities. In line with this trend, this paper attempts to explore the translation of the book sword grudges from the perspective of translator's subjectivity, and to analyze the translator's subjective initiative in the process of translation and the choice of the translation. Determine the impact of translation strategies and translation methods. The full text is divided into six parts: the first part explains the motivation of the topic, and briefly introduces the present situation of Chinese martial arts novels and translation studies. The second part discusses the theoretical basis of this paper, the translator's subjectivity. The third part analyzes the influence of translator's subjectivity on the translation process of Book Sword Enchor from a macro point of view. The fourth part discusses the content of the original text from a micro point of view, and makes a detailed comparative analysis with the corresponding translation, and discusses the specific expression of translator's subjectivity in the process of translation. The fifth part makes a brief evaluation of the translation. The last part is the conclusion, which points out the significance of the research on the translation of martial arts novels, looks forward to the follow-up research and puts forward some personal suggestions.


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