[Abstract]:Carl Jung (Carl Gustav Jung,1875-1961), a well-known Swiss analysis psychologist, is based on social and biological theory. The scope of the study is related to the aspects of religion, mystique, alchemy, art and so on. Mr. Jung thought that it would be necessary to exclude the idea and association that had no relevance to the dream itself when he wanted to be truly aware of the unconscious. On this basis, Jung further divided the unconscious, and he thought that the human spiritual world had three levels: consciousness, individual unconsciousness and collective unconsciousness. Among them, the "collective unconsciousness" is the foundation of all the artistic views of Rongge, and in Jung's view, the "collective unconsciousness" is a kind of psychological factor which is independent of the heredity and the evolution, and does not exist independently according to the experience of the individual. The central archetype of the collective unconsciousness is the foundation of the "self-performance" _ representative of order, unity and perfection, and the self-actualization of human being. In Jung's view, the process of artistic creation and the art of art are all formed under the control of collective unconsciousness, and the artist is present as a carrier of collective unconsciousness in the process of creation, which shows the prototype spirit of the human being. This is the power of life and the power of artistic creation. At the same time, Jung divides the artistic material into two types of sense and illusion. These two types are similar to realism and abstract in the art. In contrast to the spirit of ancient and modern people, Jung explained the special significance of collective unconsciousness in the society of civilization: to realize the continuation of the ancient spirit to the modern spirit. In the process of artistic creation, the artist is an intermediary to express the archetypal image of the ancient, and we can also see a great deal of art of art that embodies the original spirit in addition to the realistic artistic style. More importantly, collective unconsciousness can be a self-fulfilling, self-successful export in the spiritual world of modern people. Moreover, with the change of the times, the relationship between the "collective unconsciousness" and the artistic creation has also changed. If the "collective unconsciousness" has provided an explanation of the "out-of-order artistic expression" and the "original image" in the early stage, Then, in the United States after World War II, the "collective unconsciousness" is the theme of the myth in the creation of art and the pursuit of universality. From the unconsciousness of chaos to the pursuit of universal artistic creation, we seem to have seen two distinct ways of art. But there is a common pursuit: by returning to the ancient times, to pursue the emotional bonds between man and nature, between man and man, and the spiritual world of man. However, Jung did not think that the artist should act as a personalised individual and, to some extent, as an unconscious carrier for artistic creation, denied the artist's creative ability. At the same time, with the development of the relationship between the psychoanalysis and the society, it is also suspected that the visitor's assertion as a patient and the relationship between the analysis and the analysis are also suspected. In this case, there is no need for this so-called passage of a subject to the interpretation of another area? Whether or not the final result is to be able to enrich the theoretical framework of one of the categories? Or is there a possibility that the living body itself can be touched by means of art? In this regard, we can re-sort the relationship between the "collective unconsciousness" theory and the artistic creation. Therefore, it is concluded that in the new era, the new relation and meaning in the field of "collective unconsciousness" and art. In this paper, there are six chapters, in which the first chapter is the introduction, the main introduction of the relevant research background and the difficulty of the article; the second chapter is the introduction of the theory and the artistic point of the Jung; the content of the third chapter is to discuss the relationship between the collective unconsciousness and the artistic creation. The content is focused on the early modernism art; the fourth chapter discusses the new change of the relationship between the collective unconsciousness and the artistic creation, and focuses on the artistic creation of the American artists after the Second World War; and the content of the fourth chapter is the reflection on the aesthetic point of the Jung and the new possibilities. Discuss the case of contemporary Chinese artists.
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