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发布时间:2021-02-03 14:46


【文章页数】:67 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research background
    1.2 Research purpose
    1.3 Research significance
    1.4 Research methods
    1.5 Research structure
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Studies on culture based on The Joy Luck Club
        2.1.1 Studies on culture based on The Joy Luck Club at home
        2.1.2 Studies on culture based on The Joy Luck Club abroad
    2.2 Studies on back-translation based on The Joy Luck Club
        2.2.1 Studies on back-translation
        2.2.2 Studies on back-translation based on The Joy Luck Club
    2.3 Studies on comprehensive analysis of several Chinese versions of The Joy Luck Club
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Cultural Differences Reflected in The Joy Luck Club
    3.1 Cultural differences reflected in original text of The Joy Luck Club
        3.1.1 Different beliefs and customs
        3.1.2 Different behaviors
        3.1.3 Different views of marriage
        3.1.4 Different filial piety culture
    3.2 Cultural conflicts caused by cultural differences
        3.2.1 Reflections of cultural conflicts
        3.2.2 Reasons for cultural conflicts
    3.3 Cultural integration in cultural differences
        3.3.1 Reflections of cultural integration
        3.3.2 Reasons for cultural integration
Chapter Four Back-translation-related cultural differences reflected in three Chinese translations of The Joy Luck Club
    4.1 Introduction of original novel and its three Chinese translations
        4.1.1 Author of original novel
        4.1.2 Original novel
        4.1.3 Three translators and their Chinese translations
    4.2 Reflections of back-translation-related cultural differences in three Chinese translations of TheJoy Luck Club
        4.2.1 Different translation skills and strategies in dealing with cultural differences
        4.2.2 Different translations of person names containing cultural differences
        4.2.3 Different cultural understandings in original text
    4.3 Reasons for back-translation-related cultural differences in three Chinese translations of The Joy Luck Club
        4.3.1 Different cultural presuppositions
        4.3.2 Different writing styles
        4.3.3 Omission of context in original text
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major findings
    5.2 Limitations and suggestions for the future studies

[1]后殖民主义视角下《喜福会》中伴侣价值的文化解读[J]. 孙娅,江潇月.  大学教育. 2018(12)
[2]通过跨文化意识的四个层次分析《喜福会》[J]. 武佩虹.  英语广场. 2018(09)
[3]回译方式及其应用探索[J]. 王永胜.  渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2018(01)
[4]华裔作家谭恩美《喜福会》笔下的中国人[J]. 米丽娜,苏蜨兰.  文学教育(下). 2017(10)
[5]创伤理论视阈下《喜福会》中的女性成长解析[J]. 李萍.  山东工会论坛. 2017(05)
[6]从文化图式理论视角对《喜福会》的文化解读[J]. 牛美书,胡金.  海外英语. 2017(03)
[7]论《喜福会》回译过程中的文化身份距离[J]. 熊赛君,周文革.  衡阳师范学院学报. 2017(01)
[8]《喜福会》中母女冲突主题多模态分析[J]. 王秋华.  名作欣赏. 2017(02)
[9]解析《喜福会》中玉饰意象[J]. 童安剑,曹敏.  读与写(教育教学刊). 2015(09)
[10]从《喜福会》中的第一代虎妈到当代虎妈形象[J]. 黄春燕.  海外英语. 2015(16)

[1]《喜福会》汉译本中国形象的重新建构[D]. 王翔燕.北京外国语大学 2017
[2]由小说《喜福会》浅析美国华裔文学中的回译问题与作者风格再现[D]. 陈燕敏.上海外国语大学 2009
[3]文学翻译中的杂合现象[D]. 温倩.北京语言大学 2009
[4]《喜福会》翻译中的译者主体性[D]. 崔鑫.河北大学 2007
[5]冲突与融合——从语言和文化的角度看《喜福会》中的母女关系[D]. 夏小燕.暨南大学 2001




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