发布时间:2021-02-08 18:56
【文章来源】:西南大学重庆市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 An introduction to Bian Cheng and its translations
1.2 Significance of the study
1.3 Layout of the study
Chapter Two The Relevance Translation Theory and the Translation of Folklores
2.1 Previous studies on Relevance Translation Theory
2.2 Definitions of folklore
2.3 Classifications of folklore
2.4 Previous studies on folklore translation
Chapter Three The Relevance Translation Theory as an Explanatory Framework for Folklore Translation
3.1 The development of the Relevance Theory
3.2 Key concepts in the Relevance Translation Theory
3.2.1 Cultural default
3.2.2 Dual ostensive-inferential communication
3.2.3 The dual roles of translator
3.2.4 Cognitive environment
3.2.5 Optimal relevance
3.2.6 Direct translation and indirect translation
3.3 Folklore translation viewed from the Relevance Translation Theory
Chapter Four A Contrastive Analysis of Folklore Translation in Two English versions of Bian Cheng
4.1 The two English translations of Bian Cheng
4.2 Classification of folklores in Bian Cheng
4.3 Contrastive analyses of folklore translation in two versions
4.3.1 Translation of the economic substances
4.3.2 Translation of natural scenery
4.3.3 Translation of rural life
4.3.4 Translation of proper nouns
4.3.5 Translation of dialect
4.3.6 Translation of proverbs and ballads
4.3.7 Translation of folklore Rites
4.4 Explanatory accounts for the differences in folklore translation
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings of the study
5.2 Implications and limitations of the study
[1]《边城》英译本中的民俗翻译策略研究[J]. 李伟棠. 语文建设. 2016(27)
[2]边陲小镇的风土人情—谈《呼兰河传》英译本中的民俗翻译[J]. 安文婧. 语文建设. 2016(09)
[3]关联翻译理论视角下的文化误译及规避方法[J]. 白玉. 长春工程学院学报(社会科学版). 2016(01)
[4]沈从文小说《边城》中的民俗英译方法论[J]. 隆涛. 语文建设. 2015(24)
[5]中国民俗文化翻译研究综述(1995—2012)[J]. 姚丽文. 邵阳学院学报(社会科学版). 2013(04)
[6]格特关联翻译理论模式探究[J]. 赵博. 长春理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2012(02)
[7]新时期民俗学研究范围与方法的探索[J]. 黄永林. 民俗研究. 2011(04)
[8]浅谈民俗概念[J]. 陈璞. 剑南文学(经典教苑). 2011(11)
[9]生态翻译视角下的中国传统民俗器物英译[J]. 王文铃,楚瑛. 合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2011(05)
[10]民俗研究与翻译研究[J]. 利·哈林,杨柳. 温州大学学报(社会科学版). 2011(02)
【文章来源】:西南大学重庆市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 An introduction to Bian Cheng and its translations
1.2 Significance of the study
1.3 Layout of the study
Chapter Two The Relevance Translation Theory and the Translation of Folklores
2.1 Previous studies on Relevance Translation Theory
2.2 Definitions of folklore
2.3 Classifications of folklore
2.4 Previous studies on folklore translation
Chapter Three The Relevance Translation Theory as an Explanatory Framework for Folklore Translation
3.1 The development of the Relevance Theory
3.2 Key concepts in the Relevance Translation Theory
3.2.1 Cultural default
3.2.2 Dual ostensive-inferential communication
3.2.3 The dual roles of translator
3.2.4 Cognitive environment
3.2.5 Optimal relevance
3.2.6 Direct translation and indirect translation
3.3 Folklore translation viewed from the Relevance Translation Theory
Chapter Four A Contrastive Analysis of Folklore Translation in Two English versions of Bian Cheng
4.1 The two English translations of Bian Cheng
4.2 Classification of folklores in Bian Cheng
4.3 Contrastive analyses of folklore translation in two versions
4.3.1 Translation of the economic substances
4.3.2 Translation of natural scenery
4.3.3 Translation of rural life
4.3.4 Translation of proper nouns
4.3.5 Translation of dialect
4.3.6 Translation of proverbs and ballads
4.3.7 Translation of folklore Rites
4.4 Explanatory accounts for the differences in folklore translation
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings of the study
5.2 Implications and limitations of the study
[1]《边城》英译本中的民俗翻译策略研究[J]. 李伟棠. 语文建设. 2016(27)
[2]边陲小镇的风土人情—谈《呼兰河传》英译本中的民俗翻译[J]. 安文婧. 语文建设. 2016(09)
[3]关联翻译理论视角下的文化误译及规避方法[J]. 白玉. 长春工程学院学报(社会科学版). 2016(01)
[4]沈从文小说《边城》中的民俗英译方法论[J]. 隆涛. 语文建设. 2015(24)
[5]中国民俗文化翻译研究综述(1995—2012)[J]. 姚丽文. 邵阳学院学报(社会科学版). 2013(04)
[6]格特关联翻译理论模式探究[J]. 赵博. 长春理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2012(02)
[7]新时期民俗学研究范围与方法的探索[J]. 黄永林. 民俗研究. 2011(04)
[8]浅谈民俗概念[J]. 陈璞. 剑南文学(经典教苑). 2011(11)
[9]生态翻译视角下的中国传统民俗器物英译[J]. 王文铃,楚瑛. 合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2011(05)
[10]民俗研究与翻译研究[J]. 利·哈林,杨柳. 温州大学学报(社会科学版). 2011(02)