发布时间:2021-09-24 14:59
【文章来源】:湖南师范大学湖南省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:86 页
0.1 An Overview of Polysystem Theory
0.1.1 Main Concepts of Polysystem Theory
0.1.2 Current Studies of Polysystem Theory
0.2 The Cather in the Rye and Shi Xianrong's Version
0.2.1 The Cather in the Rye and Its Author
0.2.2 Shi's Version and Its Translator
0.3 The Purpose of the Research and the Methodology
Chapter 1 The Central Position of Translated Literature Within the ChineseLiterary Polysystem at the Time of Shi Xianrong's Translation
1.1 Weakness of Chinese Literature
1.1.1 The Harsh Restriction on Literature Creation
1.1.2 The Severe Persecution of the Writers
1.1.3 The Closure of National Literary Journals
1.2 Situation of the Translated Literature
1.2.1 Two Kinds of Distribution of Translated Literature
1.2.2 Statistic-based Survey of Translated Literature
1.2.3 The Spreading and the Influence of Translated Literature
1.3 Summary
Chapter 2 Shi Xianrong's Selection of Translation Strategies
2.1 Concepts of Foreignization and Domestication
2.2 Manifestations of Foreignization in Shi's Version
2.2.1 On Lexical Level
2.2.2 On Syntactical Level
2.2.3 On Textual Level
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 The Influence of Shi's Version on Chinese Literatre withinChinese Literary Polysystem
3.1 Influence on the Writers' Use of Language
3.2 Influence on the Writers' Use of Writing Techniques
3.3 Summary
[1]中国翻译文学之多元系统理论视角管窥[J]. 王艺芳. 湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2016(04)
[2]有觉悟的垮掉与散漫的迷失——塞林格与苏童小说少年视角[J]. 徐甜. 读书文摘. 2016(08)
[3]《麦田里的守望者》中意识流手法的创新研究[J]. 范开梅. 作家. 2013(16)
[4]《麦田里的守望者》在中国的传播与失落[J]. 管南异. 外国文学研究. 2013(02)
[5]影响的焦虑:互文性写作中的文化身份的迷失——重读徐星的《无主题变奏》[J]. 王德领. 南方文坛. 2011(06)
[6]非常时期的非常翻译——关于中国大陆文革时期的文学翻译[J]. 谢天振. 中国比较文学. 2009(02)
[7]中国的“霍尔顿”们——中美当代文学的一个比较[J]. 樊星. 中国现代文学论丛. 2009(01)
[8]多元系统论中的规范概念[J]. 张南峰. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2008(05)
[9]新中国“17年”欧美文学翻译、解读论[J]. 方长安. 长江学术. 2006(03)
[10]从多元系统论的观点看翻译文学的“国籍”[J]. 张南峰. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2005(05)
[1]“黄皮书”与1968-1973年北京地下诗歌研究[D]. 刘健.北京外国语大学 2015
【文章来源】:湖南师范大学湖南省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:86 页
0.1 An Overview of Polysystem Theory
0.1.1 Main Concepts of Polysystem Theory
0.1.2 Current Studies of Polysystem Theory
0.2 The Cather in the Rye and Shi Xianrong's Version
0.2.1 The Cather in the Rye and Its Author
0.2.2 Shi's Version and Its Translator
0.3 The Purpose of the Research and the Methodology
Chapter 1 The Central Position of Translated Literature Within the ChineseLiterary Polysystem at the Time of Shi Xianrong's Translation
1.1 Weakness of Chinese Literature
1.1.1 The Harsh Restriction on Literature Creation
1.1.2 The Severe Persecution of the Writers
1.1.3 The Closure of National Literary Journals
1.2 Situation of the Translated Literature
1.2.1 Two Kinds of Distribution of Translated Literature
1.2.2 Statistic-based Survey of Translated Literature
1.2.3 The Spreading and the Influence of Translated Literature
1.3 Summary
Chapter 2 Shi Xianrong's Selection of Translation Strategies
2.1 Concepts of Foreignization and Domestication
2.2 Manifestations of Foreignization in Shi's Version
2.2.1 On Lexical Level
2.2.2 On Syntactical Level
2.2.3 On Textual Level
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 The Influence of Shi's Version on Chinese Literatre withinChinese Literary Polysystem
3.1 Influence on the Writers' Use of Language
3.2 Influence on the Writers' Use of Writing Techniques
3.3 Summary
[1]中国翻译文学之多元系统理论视角管窥[J]. 王艺芳. 湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2016(04)
[2]有觉悟的垮掉与散漫的迷失——塞林格与苏童小说少年视角[J]. 徐甜. 读书文摘. 2016(08)
[3]《麦田里的守望者》中意识流手法的创新研究[J]. 范开梅. 作家. 2013(16)
[4]《麦田里的守望者》在中国的传播与失落[J]. 管南异. 外国文学研究. 2013(02)
[5]影响的焦虑:互文性写作中的文化身份的迷失——重读徐星的《无主题变奏》[J]. 王德领. 南方文坛. 2011(06)
[6]非常时期的非常翻译——关于中国大陆文革时期的文学翻译[J]. 谢天振. 中国比较文学. 2009(02)
[7]中国的“霍尔顿”们——中美当代文学的一个比较[J]. 樊星. 中国现代文学论丛. 2009(01)
[8]多元系统论中的规范概念[J]. 张南峰. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2008(05)
[9]新中国“17年”欧美文学翻译、解读论[J]. 方长安. 长江学术. 2006(03)
[10]从多元系统论的观点看翻译文学的“国籍”[J]. 张南峰. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2005(05)
[1]“黄皮书”与1968-1973年北京地下诗歌研究[D]. 刘健.北京外国语大学 2015