发布时间:2022-01-17 05:48
本文以尤金·奈达的动态对等为理论指导,探讨小说《神奇的收费亭》中的不可译因素。《神奇的收费亭》是美国作家诺顿·贾斯特(Norton Juster)的一部儿童小说。小说原文语言幽默风趣、简明晓畅,但文中多处采用头韵、谐音、典故、双关等修辞手法,使得该小说在汉译过程中出现很多难译甚至不可译的现象。本文从形式和意义两方面入手,以动态对等为指导,以实现译文的动态对等效果为目的,细致分析小说中的不可译现象,探讨不可译因素的翻译处理,旨在为儿童文学研究和翻译尽一点绵薄之力。本文正文由五个部分组成,分别为引言、文献综述、不可译因素分析、不可译因素的翻译策略和结论。第一部分简要介绍小说《神奇的收费亭》概况和小说作者概况。第二部分简要介绍尤金·奈达的动态对等理论、儿童文学的相关研究以及不可译性相关研究。第三部分从形式和意义两个方面重点分析小说《神奇的收费亭》中的不可译因素。第四部分在动态对等的基础上,针对第三部分所讨论的不可译因素提出较为妥帖的翻译策略。最后一部分主要总结本文的发现、不足以及对后续研究的建议。希望本文所做的努力对小说《神奇的收费亭》的汉译有些许帮助,若是能对儿童文学的翻译研究和不可译因素...
【文章页数】:46 页
Academic Achievements
Abstract (in Chinese)
Abstract (in English)
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to The Phantom Tollbooth
1.2 Types of untranslatability
1.3 Significance of this thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Introduction to Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence
2.2 Previous studies on translation of children’s literature
2.3 Previous studies on untranslatability
3. An analysis of untranslatable elements in The Phantom Tollbooth
3.1 Untranslatable elements of form
3.1.1 Untranslatable phonetic elements
3.1.2 Untranslatable word forms
3.2 Untranslatable elements of meaning
3.2.1 Untranslatable polysemous words
3.2.2 Untranslatable puns
3.2.3 Untranslatable phonetic meanings
4. Strategies for the untranslatable elements in The Phantom Tollbooth under the guidance ofdynamic equivalence
4.1 Strategies for formal untranslatable elements
4.1.1 Strategies for untranslatable phonetic elements
4.1.2 Strategies for untranslatable word forms
4.2 Strategies for untranslatable semantic elements
4.2.1 Strategies for untranslatable polysemous words
4.2.2 Strategies for untranslatable puns
4.2.3 Strategies for untranslatable phonetic meanings
5. Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Limitations
5.3 Suggestions for further study
【文章页数】:46 页
Academic Achievements
Abstract (in Chinese)
Abstract (in English)
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to The Phantom Tollbooth
1.2 Types of untranslatability
1.3 Significance of this thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Introduction to Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence
2.2 Previous studies on translation of children’s literature
2.3 Previous studies on untranslatability
3. An analysis of untranslatable elements in The Phantom Tollbooth
3.1 Untranslatable elements of form
3.1.1 Untranslatable phonetic elements
3.1.2 Untranslatable word forms
3.2 Untranslatable elements of meaning
3.2.1 Untranslatable polysemous words
3.2.2 Untranslatable puns
3.2.3 Untranslatable phonetic meanings
4. Strategies for the untranslatable elements in The Phantom Tollbooth under the guidance ofdynamic equivalence
4.1 Strategies for formal untranslatable elements
4.1.1 Strategies for untranslatable phonetic elements
4.1.2 Strategies for untranslatable word forms
4.2 Strategies for untranslatable semantic elements
4.2.1 Strategies for untranslatable polysemous words
4.2.2 Strategies for untranslatable puns
4.2.3 Strategies for untranslatable phonetic meanings
5. Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Limitations
5.3 Suggestions for further study