译者主体性视角下的侦探推理小说The Informationist中译本对比分析
发布时间:2017-07-30 12:25
本文关键词:译者主体性视角下的侦探推理小说The Informationist中译本对比分析
【摘要】:随着中西文化交流的日益频繁,中国从国外引进了越来越多的文学作品,其中通俗文学作品深受中国读者的喜爱。作为通俗文学的一部分,侦探推理小说因其趣味性和故事性更是得到读者的热烈追捧。西方侦探推理小说在中国的风靡,离不开译者的贡献。侦探推理小说的译作对于我们了解和认识世界,丰富文化的多样性,促进民族文化发展具有深远的影响。因此,我们要对侦探推理小说的翻译有足够的重视。笔者认为,译作很大程度上受制于翻译主体的人文素养、个性特点、翻译目的、身份等因素。本文选取了美国女作家Taylor Stevens的作品The Informationist,通过比较该作品的大陆和台湾两个中译本,尝试从译者主体性视角探讨侦探推理小说的翻译,着重讨论了文化因素和性别因素对译文翻译策略的影响。通过对比分析,本文得出:在翻译活动中,译者主体性贯穿始终,译者所处的社会文化背景、受教育程度、性别、个性特征等要素都会在译作中有所体现并对译文风格产生影响。因此,在翻译时,译者不仅要追求语言的精练准确,也要充分发挥自身的能动性和创造性,增强在翻译过程中的主体意识,使得译作体现出译者独特的翻译风格。
【关键词】:译者主体性 译文对比 侦探推理小说汉译
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-9
- 1. Introduction9-11
- 1.1 Research Background9
- 1.2 Research Questions9
- 1.3 Research Method9-10
- 1.4 Research Significance10
- 1.5 The Layout of the Thesis10-11
- 2. Literature Review11-14
- 2.1 Studies of Detective and Mystery Novel Translation11-12
- 2.1.1 Definition of Detective and Mystery Novel11
- 2.1.2 Studies Related to Detective and Mystery Novel Translation11-12
- 2.2 Studies of Translator's Subjectivity12-14
- 2.2.1 Dennition of Translator's Subjectivity12
- 2.2.2 Studies of Translator's Subjectivity Abroad12-13
- 2.2.3 Studies of Translator's Subjectivity in China13-14
- 3. Culture and Gender Factors in Translator's Subjectivity14-16
- 3.1 Culture Factor in Translator's Su bjectivity15
- 3.2 Gender Factor in Translator's Subjectivity15-16
- 4. Introductions to The Original Works and The Translated Works16-17
- 4.1 Brief Introduction to The lnformationist and Taylor Stevens16
- 4.2 Brief Introduction to Translators and the Two Chinese Versions16-17
- 5. The Comparison and Analyses of Two Versions17-32
- 5.1 The Analyses of Culture Factors in Two Versions17-27
- 5.1.1 Differences in Using Four-character Words or Idioms17-21
- 5.1.2 Differences in Sentence Patterns21-24
- 5.1.3 Differences in Using Rhetorical Devices24-27
- 5.2 The Analyses of Gender Factor in Two Versions27-32
- 5.2.1 Differences in Using Euphemism and Polite Languages27-29
- 5.2.2 Differences in Using Emotional Words29-30
- 5.2.3 The Embodiment of Gender Consciousness30-32
- 6. The Analyses of The Embodiment of Translator's Subjectivity in Two Chinese Versions32-35
- 7. Conclusion35-36
- Acknowledgements36-37
- Bibliography37-39
中国期刊全文数据库 前8条
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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前1条
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