发布时间:2017-08-08 07:30
【关键词】:翻译生态环境 适应 选择 《西行漫记》
- Abstract(in Chinese)4-6
- Abstract (in English)6-10
- Chapter One Introduction10-15
- 1.1 Research Background10-12
- 1.2 Research Purpose and Research Significance12-13
- 1.3 Research Questions13
- 1.4 Research Methodology13-14
- 1.5 The Layout of the thesis14-15
- Chapter Two Literature Review15-22
- 2.1 Previous Studies on the translation of Red Star over China15-19
- 2.2 Previous Studies about the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection and Its Application in Translation Studies19-22
- Chapter Three Theoretical Framework22-28
- 3.1 An Overview to the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection22-23
- 3.2 The Main Terms in the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection23-25
- 3.2.1 Translational Eco-environment24
- 3.2.2 Adaptation and Selection24-25
- 3.3 Explanatory Function of the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection25-28
- 3.3.1 Explanation of the Translation Principle25-26
- 3.3.2 Explanation of the Criteria for the Evaluation of Translation26-28
- Chapter Four Translation Analysis of Red Star over China from thePerspective of the Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection.28-51
- 4.1 Adaptation in Translational Eco-environment28-32
- 4.1.1 Adaptation in Terms of Needs28-29
- 4.1.2 Adaptation in Terms of Competence29-31
- 4.1.3 Adaptation in Terms of Translational Eco-environment31-32
- 4.2 Selection in the Translational Eco-environment32-46
- 4.2.1 The Adaptive Selection in Linguistic Dimension33-41
- 4.2.2 The adaptive Selection in Cultural Dimension41-43
- 4.2.3 The adaptive Selection in Communicative Dimension43-46
- 4.3 The Degree of Holistic Adaptation and Selection of Dong’s Translation of Red Star over China46-51
- 4.3.1 Degree of Multi-dimensional Transformation46-47
- 4.3.2 Quantity of Publication47-48
- 4.3.3 Quality of Translator48-51
- Chapter Five Conclusion51-55
- 5.1 Major Findings51-53
- 5.2 Limitations and Suggestions53-55
- Bibliography55-58
- Acknowledgements58-59
- 个人简历59
中国期刊全文数据库 前7条
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3 周亨友;《西行漫记》的信息学内涵[J];广播电视大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2001年01期
4 黄忠廉;;适应与选择:严复翻译思想探源[J];上海翻译;2009年04期
5 母燕芳;;翻译适应选择论中译者的适应与选择——以朱自清散文《匆匆》的三种英译本的语言维翻译为例[J];太原理工大学学报(社会科学版);2010年04期
6 苗菊;翻译准则——图瑞翻译理论的核心[J];外语与外语教学;2001年11期
7 胡庚申;;生态翻译学解读[J];中国翻译;2008年06期