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  本文关键词:帕纳斯派及其诗歌浅析 出处:《北京第二外国语学院》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 帕纳斯派 拒绝抒情的客观 自然 异域 孤独

【摘要】:帕纳斯派是十九世纪下半叶法国诗歌史上的一次文学思潮,它通过严格的追求形式美、拒绝抒情的客观性、以及排斥诗歌的政治倾向等特点,强调诗歌的艺术美,在当时的法国文学界产生了很大的影响。浪漫主义诗人雨果、拉马丁都对帕纳斯派的领袖人物赞赏有加,如李勒以及第一位获诺贝尔文学奖的普吕多姆;后来的象征主义诗人魏尔兰、波德莱尔最初也是该派的拥护者。作为后起之秀,帕纳斯派的诞生对浪漫主义诗歌中的抒情性提出异议,他们主张的客观性确实也震撼了当时的诗歌界,但由于受浪漫主义的影响,帕纳斯派诗人的诗篇有意识地无意识地流露出一种孤独感。帕纳斯派诗歌并不像人们认为的那么客观,完全拒绝抒情。 本论文通过对比、分类、以及文本分析的方法,以具体的帕纳斯派诗歌和浪漫主义诗歌作品为材料,在为文学史上这一诗歌流派做梳理的前提下,重新审视帕纳斯派诗歌标新立异的特性“拒绝抒情的客观”。论文分为四部分,第一部分是对帕纳斯派的整体介绍,第二部分是从该派不同于浪漫主义诗歌的两大诗歌特性进入诗歌分析,第三部分从主题切入,对同一主题下的两派诗歌加以剖析,第四部分为结论。 经过分析,帕纳斯派诗歌在理论上反对浪漫主义的抒情性,但在诗歌作品的实践时并没有完全的遵循这一原则。它在对浪漫主义诗歌提出异议的同时,又继承了其部分特性。但是从瑞典文学院把第一届诺贝尔文学奖颁给普吕多姆开始,就代表帕纳斯派诗歌已经步入了文学史的亮丽篇章。帕纳斯派诗歌拒绝抒情是为了摆脱情感主宰诗歌的桎梏,更好地表达诗歌为全人类服务的哲学高度。
[Abstract]:Panas School is a literary trend in the history of French poetry in the second half of 19th century. It is characterized by the strict pursuit of formal beauty, the rejection of lyric objectivity, and the rejection of the political tendency of poetry. The emphasis on the artistic beauty of poetry had a great influence in the French literary circles at that time. Hugo and Rattin, the Romantic poets, all praised the leaders of Panas school. For example, Lehler and the first Puludom who won the Nobel Prize in Literature; Later symbolic poet Willan, Baudelaire was originally a supporter of the school. As a rising star, the birth of Panas to the romantic poetry of lyricism. The objectivity they advocated did shake the poetry circle at that time, but it was influenced by romanticism. The Psalms of Panas show a sense of loneliness consciously and unconsciously. Panas poetry is not as objective as people think and totally refuses to express feelings. Through comparison, classification, and text analysis, this paper takes the concrete poems of Panas and Romantic poetry as materials, under the premise of combing this genre of poetry in the history of literature. The thesis is divided into four parts, the first part is the whole introduction to Panas School. The second part is from the two poetic characteristics of this school is different from romantic poetry into poetry analysis. The third part from the theme of the two schools of poetry under the same theme to analyze the two schools of poetry, 4th is the conclusion. After analysis, Panas poetry in theory opposed to the lyricism of romanticism, but in the practice of poetry did not fully follow this principle. It is in the Romantic poetry at the same time. But since the Swedish Academy of Arts awarded the first Nobel Prize in Literature to Prudom. It means that Panas poetry has entered a bright chapter in the history of literature, and its refusal to express emotion is in order to get rid of the shackles of emotion dominating poetry and to better express the philosophical height of poetry serving all mankind.


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3 符松硕;谢,




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