发布时间:2018-01-11 21:29
本文关键词:中国满族与韩国的动物故事比较 出处:《哈尔滨师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:韩国与中国的距离很近,两国历史上有着密切的关系。而且中国的满族和韩国根据文化人类学的研究,韩国语属于中亚的阿尔泰语系,同属这一语系的还有突厥语、蒙古语、满─通古斯语。满族历史悠久,可追溯到两千多年前的肃慎人,其后裔一直生活在长白山以北、黑龙江中上游、乌苏里江流域。黑水梲棬是满族的直系祖先,后发展为女真。十二世纪,由阿骨打建立了金朝。所以韩国与中国满族的从古代流传下来的民间故事有很多相似点。 本文有绪论、主要章节、结论组成,,主要章节共分五章。 绪论部分主要介绍中国与韩国的民间故事比较现状、动物故事的分类与特点。 第一章为动物的故事和文化关系的探讨。通过中国满族与韩国的自然环境、宗教信仰、历史传说、特殊文献与动物故事的关系,展示出两国文化的异同点。自然生态环境及经济生产、生活方式决定了满—通古斯语族先人对于动物的依赖、畏惧关系,从而导致了人们对于动物的崇拜。 第二章为中国满族与韩国鸟类故事的比较及意义。鸟类在满—通古斯语族萨满文化信仰中占有突出重要的地位。山林水滨的自然生态环境,使满—通古斯语族先民与鸟类产生了密切的关系。通过满族的《泼雪泉》与韩国的《喜鹊报恩》故事,得知故事里喜鹊的特点、喜鹊被人们喜爱的理由。 第三章为中国满族与韩国老虎故事的比较及意义。虎为山林百兽之王,对于长期进行狩猎生产的满—通古斯语族先世有着重要的影响。虎的威武凶猛令人敬畏,人们视其为“神”而崇拜。但,在满族的《巴虎岭的传说》与韩国的《老虎的礼物》故事里却有不一样的形象、表现。 第四章为中国满族与韩国狗故事的比较及意义。狗在满—通古斯语族先人的狩猎生产生活中,占有极大的比重。狗是狩猎中的忠实助手,也是与人和平共处的朋友。通过满族的《小罕逃生记》与韩国的《獒树狗》故事比较来研究狗与满族、韩国有着密切的联系。 第五章为崇拜动物的原因及动物故事对现实生活的影响。中国满族与韩国的动物故事对现实生活的密切关系和影响。中国满族与韩国还保留下来的习俗。 结论归纳总结了中国满族与韩国的动物故事的同源、同境、相互交流及研究现状的局限。
[Abstract]:South Korea and China are very close, the history of the two countries have a close relationship, and China's Manchu and South Korea according to cultural anthropology research, Korean belongs to the Central Asian Altaic language family. Also belonging to this family are Turkic, Mongolian and Manchurian. Manchu has a long history, dating back more than 2,000 years to the Sushen people, whose descendants have been living in the north of Changbai Mountain, in the middle and upper reaches of the Heilongjiang River. Wusuli River Basin. Blackwater Pall is the direct ancestor of Manchu, and later developed into Nu Zhen. 12th century. The Kim Dynasty was founded by Aguda. So there are many similarities between South Korea and Chinese Manchu folk stories that have been handed down from ancient times. This article has the introduction, the main chapter, the conclusion composition, the main chapter altogether divides into five chapters. The introduction mainly introduces the current situation of folk stories in China and Korea, the classification and characteristics of animal stories. The first chapter is the discussion of animal stories and cultural relations. Through the Chinese Manchu and South Korea's natural environment, religious beliefs, historical legends, special literature and animal stories of the relationship. It shows the similarities and differences between the two cultures. The natural ecological environment and economic production determine the dependence and fear of the ancestors of Manchurian languages on animals, which leads to the worship of animals. The second chapter is the comparison and significance of Chinese Manchu and Korean bird stories. Birds play an important role in the Manchu-Tungus language Shaman culture belief. The natural ecological environment of mountain forest and waterfront. Through the Manchu people's "snow spring" and the Korean "Magpie payback" story, we know the characteristics of the magpies in the story, and the reasons why magpies are loved by people. The third chapter is the comparison and significance of the Chinese Manchu and Korean tiger stories. The tiger is the king of mountains and forests. It had an important influence on the forefathers of the Manchu Tungus language family, which had long been engaged in hunting production. The tiger's majesty was so formidable that it was regarded as a "god" and worshipped. But. In Manchu's Legend of Bahu Ridge and Korean Story of Tiger's Gift, however, there is a different image. Chapter 4th is the comparison and significance of the Chinese Manchu and Korean Dog stories. Dogs occupy a great proportion in the hunting production and life of Manchu Tungussian ancestors. Dogs are loyal assistants in hunting. It is also a friend of peaceful coexistence with people. By comparing Manchu's Little Han Escape with Korean Mastiff Dog, Korea has a close relationship with Manchu. Chapter 5th deals with the causes of animal worship and the influence of animal stories on real life. The close relationship and influence of animal stories between Manchu and Korea on real life. Conclusion the animal stories of Manchu and Korea are homologous, homologous, intercommunion and limitation of research status.
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