本文关键词:塞林格小说中的创伤主题研究 出处:《湖北工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:20世纪是一个创伤的世纪,在美国经历了两次世界大战和资本主义经济萧条时期之后,人们生活的各个领域都发生了巨大的变化。同时美国文学史上也开始出现了许多关于创伤主题的小说并在文学史中占有重要地位。塞林格的小说便是其中之一,但是在国内研究中还没有得到足够的重视。随着创伤理论的发展与完善,越来越多的学者开始重视创伤小说的研究,以此帮助读者更深入地了解作者的创伤经历与小说主题。 塞林格小说以其独特的创作视角而闻名,代表作有《麦田守望者》、《九故事》、《弗兰妮与祖伊》、《抬高房梁,木匠们》等等。他的小说多以儿童、青少年为主人公,通过细腻地刻画人物心理,描写了青少年在成长过程中对成人世界价值观的质疑。塞林格生活在一个充满创伤的时代,经历了第二次世界大战以及美国经济萧条时期,其小说内容也多涉及战争、家庭、社会、宗教等问题。通过小说中主人公的生活遭遇和心理矛盾可以看出当时的战争与金钱社会对人们产生的巨大影响。通过描写儿童、青少年等主人公对社会的不满和讽刺,影射了当时社会的混乱、不公正和腐败,他们是社会创伤的缩影,,不被接受、尊重和关怀。他们内心的爱与世界的冷漠总是格格不入,战争经历和金钱社会让他们感到困惑不安。塞林格的作品至今仍很畅销,可见其影响力和社会价值。 创伤是指个人或集体在经历或目睹暴力事件后,心理受到高度的刺激和长期的扰乱,以致不能用正常的方法谋求适从。塞林格笔下的主人公多因不能承受创伤打击而崩溃或死亡。本文选取了塞林格几部具有代表性的作品,通过分析小说中主人公的生活经历,并结合塞林格自身的犹太身份,家庭背景、战争经历和当时动荡的社会来分析塞林格悲剧小说的原因,解读塞林格小说的创伤主题。塞林格叙事方式极具个人特色,常以大篇幅“随意”的对话构成小说主体,看似漫无目的实则重在表达人物内心的创伤世界。他不仅着眼于细节和言语的描写更重要的是展现人物的精神世界与现实社会各方面的矛盾和内心挣扎。塞林格的创伤叙事并不像其他创伤作品直接描述创伤的经历,而是通过主人公在经历过战争等创伤事件后,表现出来的压抑和痛苦来展现心理创伤。本文以创伤理论为基础,结合米歇尔·巴勒夫对创伤的分析方法即地点、记忆等方面来研究塞林格小说的创伤主题。 第一部分介绍了塞林格的生平经历和他的主要作品,以及相关的创伤理论。第二部分写战争创伤。塞林格参加过第二次世界大战,他对于战争的认识可以从小说《为埃斯米而作》中看出来。他认为不能去爱而受苦,就是地狱,并把自己伪装成读者无法分辨的主人公,表达了对战争的憎恨和对爱的渴望。第三部分家庭创伤。塞林格的小说基本上都有家庭创伤的阴影。霍尔顿是典型的代表,正如塞林格自己不被父亲认可的事实一样,梦想成为作家却遭到父亲的笑话,霍尔顿违背父亲安排与世俗抗争。霍尔顿与成人价值观的矛盾是霍尔顿童年创伤的主要原因。第四部分写受害者的创伤。以《笑面人》为例,在那个金钱至上的时代中,笑面人的父母假借宗教之口拒绝营救自己被绑架的孩子。被抛弃的笑面人在遭人暗算的黑暗社会中失去了希望和挚爱,最终选择以死解脱。第五部分通过分析塞林格短篇小说《一个我知道的女孩》论述其犹太身份在战争中经历的创伤。通过对小说人物心理创伤的分析论证塞林格的创伤人生,以及小说表现的创伤主题。 通过对塞林格及其小说中主人公生活历经的研究,表现了塞林格对战争和混乱、虚伪、金钱社会的失望和批判,并且肯定了儿童与青少年对纯真和爱的追求。来自战争、家庭,犹太身份和社会的创伤,使塞林格小说中的主人公们经历了无法逃避的心理创伤,最终因无法承受精神、心理上的痛苦而走向死亡或崩溃,成为时代的牺牲品。塞林格的人生经历决定了其小说的创伤主题,这些创伤小说同时也印证了隐士塞林格的心理创伤。
[Abstract]:Twentieth Century is a century after trauma, in the United States experienced two world wars and the capitalist economic depression, all areas of people's lives have undergone tremendous changes. At the same time, the history of American literature began to appear many novels about the theme of the trauma and occupies an important position in the history of literature. Salinger's novel is one of them, but in the domestic research has not received enough attention. With the development and perfection of the trauma theory, more and more scholars begin to pay more attention on the study of trauma of the novel, in order to help the readers better understand the author's traumatic experiences and the theme of the novel.
Salinger's novels are famous for their unique creative perspective, the representative of "the catcher in the rye >, < nine > < story, Franny and Zooey >, < > to raise the ceiling, carpenters and so on. His novels with children, teenagers as the protagonist, the delicate portray the psychology, describes the concept of young people questioned the adult world value in the process of growing up. Salinger lived in an era full of trauma, experienced second world wars and the economic depression, the content of the novel are mostly involved in war, family, society, religion and other issues. Through the protagonist's life experience and the psychological contradiction can be seen at the time of the great influence the war and the money society have on people. Through the description of children, young hero of social discontent and satire, alluding to the social chaos, injustice and corruption, they are the epitome of social trauma, not They are accepted, respected and cared. Their inner love is always out of tune with the world's indifference. They are puzzled by war experience and money society. Salinger's works are still selling well, showing its influence and social value.
Trauma refers to the individual or collective in experience or witness violence, mental stimulation and highly disturbed normal long-term, so as not to seek suitable methods. From Salinger's hero because of unbearable trauma or death blow collapse. This paper chooses several of Salinger's representative works, through the master in this novel the life experience, and combined with Salinger's Jewish identity, family background, reasons of war experiences and the time of social upheaval to the analysis of Salinger's tragic novels, Salinger interpretation of the theme of trauma. Salinger narrative characteristic, often at length, "free" dialogue constitute a novel subject, but seemingly aimless focusing on the expression of the inner world of trauma. He not only focus on the details and verbal description is more important to show people's spiritual world and the real world The contradiction and inner struggle. Salinger's trauma narrative and unlike other trauma works directly describe traumatic experiences, but the hero experienced in the war after a traumatic event, manifested depression and pain to show psychological trauma. On the basis of trauma theory, with analysis method of trauma Michel Balev place Salinger, memory and so on the theme of trauma.
The first part introduces the life experiences and his major works of Salinger, as well as related trauma theory. The second part is to write the wounds of war. Salinger took part in the Second World War, he can from the novel "and look out for Esme > for the war. He believes that love can not be suffering, is hell, and the pretend readers can not distinguish the hero of war, expression of hatred and desire for love. The third part family trauma. Salinger's novels are basically family trauma. Holton is a typical representative, as Salinger himself was not the father recognized fact, dreamed of becoming a writer but was father's jokes Holton, against his arrangements and secular struggle. Adult values conflict between Holton and Holton is the main reason for childhood trauma. In the fourth part of trauma victims." write to laugh in the face of people "For example, in the materialistic age, laughing parents under the guise of religion refused to rescue the kidnapped child. Abandoned joker was hit in the dark society lost hope and love, finally chose to escape death. The fifth part through the analysis of Salinger's short story" a I know the girl > and discusses its Jewish identity in the war trauma. Based on the characters of psychological trauma demonstrated Salinger's trauma and trauma life, the novel performance theme.
Through the study of Salinger and the protagonist of life after the show, Salinger hypocrisy of war and chaos, money, social disappointment and criticism, and that children and adolescents of innocence and the pursuit of love. From the war, family, Jewish identity and social trauma, making Salinger the protagonists in the novel experience to avoid the psychological trauma, ultimately unable to withstand the spirit of psychological suffering and dying or collapse, become a victim of the times. Salinger's life experience determines the theme of trauma, the trauma novels also confirms the hermit Salinger's psychological trauma.
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