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发布时间:2018-01-14 02:29

  本文关键词:论邦达列夫小说的人道主义 出处:《海南师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 邦达列夫 人道主义 当代意义

【摘要】:本文采用社会历史批评的方法,分析作家特定的历史文化背景,梳理出邦达列夫小说创作三个阶段人道主义思想的流变特征。在不同的历史时期,邦达列夫小说中的人道主义内涵呈现出不同的历史倾向性:第一个时期,以作家五、六十年代的战争题材小说《请求炮火支援》、《最后的炮轰》、《热的雪》为代表。三部作品的人道主义体现在,一方面讴歌了卫国战争中,苏联军人以社会主义人道主义的正义立场反抗侵略的民族精神,另一方面也表现出作者对苦难同胞的人道主义关怀;第二个时期,以七、八十年代发表的小说“三部曲”《岸》、《选择》、《人生舞台》为代表。该时期作家关注的视角超越了俄罗斯民族命运的根意识的反思,折射出全球意识的理性思考。①其小说中人道主义的内涵也因作家关注视野的扩大,而呈现出“人类人道主义”的特征;第三个时期,以上个世纪末、本世纪初发表的《诱惑》和《百慕大三角》为代表。该时期的苏联进入政治改革的动乱时期,国民精神涣散、价值观念混乱,民族、国家的前途命运再次成为作家关注的焦点,因此这一时期作家的人道主义思想呈现出对动乱中人性邪恶面的批判以及对政治动乱中同胞的人道主义关怀。邦达列夫在小说的创作生涯中,用笔耕构筑起了自己的人道主义思想大厦。邦达列夫始终以人道主义为理论基础,从生活经验出发,紧跟时代步伐,不断以新的视角丰富其文本艺术世界的人道主义内涵。 通过分析可知,在邦达列夫半个世纪的小说创作中,尽管人道主义的倾向性有不同的侧重,但“人的价值”始终是邦达列夫小说人道主义得以安身立命的本体。在思考“人的价值”时,作家以人道主义的悲悯情怀关注个体的生存境遇。在界定“人的价值”时,,作者辨证地认为个体的价值不仅包括最基本的生命价值,同时也内在地包含情感价值、精神价值。在揭示个体的生命价值特征时,作家并非一味地、片面地提倡尊重生命的生存权,在一定程度上作家也肯定有意义的牺牲;而在宣扬个体的情感价值时,作家则不吝笔墨地再现个体丰富而复杂的心灵世界。宣传人性、善良、仁慈是苏联文学人道主义探讨的重要内容。作家常常将笔端深入到人性的深层面加以洞察。如何最大限度地实现“人的价值”,始终是作家思索的主要问题。在邦达列夫看来,一个人只有将自己的价值同社会的发展、全人类的利益辨证统一起来,个体的价值才能获得永恒的意义。因此作家笔下的主人公至始至终都坚守着自己的社会责任感和道德良知。他们心系全人类发展的前途命运,弘扬人性光辉面的同时也对极力批判极端个人主义、利己主义等人性的污浊面。对于社会中的丑恶现象,作家表现出了一个人道主义者毫不宽容的战斗意识。作品中的人物,无论是叱咤风云的英雄,还是无名小卒,都在邦达列夫的文本世界中均占据着独特的一席之地。 邦达列夫小说中的人道主义思想之所以能历久弥新,原因在于其小说中的人道主义具有强烈的当代意义。一方面,作家能够以动态的历史观丰富人道主义思想的内涵。正是在这种“当代”思维的主导下,作家自觉以强烈的时代责任感考量不断变化着的社会、历史,并在新的历史时空中升华人道主义的内涵,从而使得其作品中的人道主义呈现出鲜明的时代气息。也正因如此,他的作品总能在当代生活中大放异彩;另一方面,作家小说中的人道主义思想总是在对传统的继承中加以发展。尽管在不同的历史时期,邦达列夫小说中的人道主义呈现出不同的倾向性。但作家用以洞察历史、审视社会的人道主义思想起点则是高尔基所奠定的社会主义人道主义基点,当然,邦达列夫没有成为高尔基思想的“跑马场”,他在创作中秉承高尔基所提出的“文学是人学”美学命题,并在此基础上加以生发。对于俄罗斯优秀传统文化中的人道主义思想,作者借鉴继承并加以发展。也正是因为作家将自己的人道主义思想大厦建构于俄罗斯深厚的传统文化土壤之上,并使之具有强烈的时代现实意义,其作品才经受住时代的考验。
[Abstract]:This paper uses the method of social history criticism, analysis of specific historical and cultural background of the writer, to tease out the rheological characteristics of state Daliefu novels in three stages of humanitarian thought. In different historical periods, the humanitarian connotation of Bondarev's novels showing the history of different tendencies: the first period, as a writer in 60s five. War novels < < > request for artillery support, finally shelling hot > >, < snow as a representative. The three works of humanitarianism embodied in hand, eulogizing the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet soldiers to justice of socialist humanitarianism against the aggression of the national spirit, on the other hand alsodisplays of suffering fellow humanitarian care; the second period, seven to 80s, he published the novel "trilogy" < < Select > > Bank, < >, the stage of life as a representative. During this period, the author focuses on the perspective of beyond Reflection on the Russian nationality destiny root consciousness, reflects the rational thinking of global consciousness. The connotation of the novel humanitarian for writers to focus on expanding horizons, and presents the feature of "human humanitarian"; the third period, more than a century, published at the beginning of this century "temptation" and "Bermuda delta > represented. Into the political reform during the period of the Soviet Union during the unrest, the national spirit of the slack, confusion of values, ethnic groups, the fate of the country once again become the focus of attention of the writer, this period of writer's humanitarian thought showing of unrest in the criticism of the evil of human nature and political turmoil in the humanitarian compatriots caring. Bondarev in her writing career, by writing to build the humanitarian ideological building of their own. Lev Banda has always been to humanitarian theory, from the life experience Hair, followed by the pace of the times, constantly enriches the humanitarian connotation of the text art world with a new perspective.
Through the analysis, in Banda Lev half a century of novels, although the tendency of humanism has a different focus, but "the value of man" is always Bondarev's humanitarianism to settle down the body. In the thinking of "human values", the writer with humanitarian compassion and concern for individual survival situation. In the definition of "human values", the author dialectically that individual value includes not only the most basic value of life, but also contained the emotional value, spiritual value. In revealing the features of individual value of life, the writer is not blindly one-sided, promote respect for life right, in a certain degree a writer must also have a sense of sacrifice; and advocate the individual's emotional value, the writer is free ink to reproduce the individual rich and complex inner world. Propaganda humanity, kind, merciful is Su Lianwen The important content of humanitarianism. Writers often will end deep into the human nature of insight. How to maximize the "human values" is the main problem of the writer thought. It seems that in Banda Lev, only one person will own value with the development of society, human unity of interests differentiation, individual value can obtain the eternal significance. So the writers of the hero from the beginning to the end, stick to their own sense of social responsibility and moral conscience of mankind. They are the heart of future development, carry forward the glory of human nature but also to the criticism of individualism, egoism and other human face dirty for the ugly phenomenon in the society, the writer shows a humanitarian tolerance without fighting consciousness. The characters in the works, either all-powerful hero or a cipher, all in the state Dalev has a unique place in the text world.
Bondarev's humanitarian thought is timeless, because of its humanitarian novels with a strong contemporary significance. On the one hand, the writer can enrich the connotation of humanism in the dynamic view of history. It is under the guide of this "modern" thinking, the writer consciously to sense of responsibility of the times strong consideration the changing of the society, history, connotation and sublimation of humanism in the new historical time and space, which makes the work of humanitarianism in showing a distinctive flavor of the times. Because of this, his works always shine in contemporary life; on the other hand, the writer in the novel humanitarianism are always to be developed in the traditional inheritance. Although in the different historical period, humanism of Bondarev s novels present different tendencies. But the writer used to insight into the history, review Humanism is the starting point of social Golgi laid the basis of socialist humanitarianism, of course, Bondarev did not become Golgi thought "the Hippodrome", he inherited in the creation of Golgi's "literature is human aesthetic proposition, and on the basis of development. For Russia the excellent traditional culture of humanity the author thought, inheritance and development. It is also because the writer of humanitarian thought his mansion built up from Russia's profound traditional culture soil, which has strong era and realistic meaning, their works can withstand the test of time.



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