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  本文关键词:父亲的不可回归—《英格兰,英格兰》之心理分析与女性研究 出处:《赣南师范学院》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 《英格兰 英格兰》 父亲 心理分析 女性研究

【摘要】:小说《英格兰,英格兰》(England, England)写于1998年,是2011年布克文学奖获得者朱利安·巴恩斯(Julian Barnes)的一部作品。作者为读者展示了女主人公玛莎·科克伦幼时被父亲遗弃后在事业和人生上努力寻找自我的故事。这是一个按照时间顺序写成的三段式小说,内嵌着两条发展线索:由于被父亲所抛弃,玛莎经历了不愉快的童年,造成她在工作和情感上对自我的努力追寻,但缺少父亲“大他”的压制,使得她的努力归于徒劳。另一个线索是杰克·皮特曼爵士,非常富裕,拥有皮特曼公司,他雄心壮志正在谋划的一个项目是建立一个名为“英格兰,英格兰”的主题公园,对英国的过往辉煌进行复制,以期唤起民众对英国辉煌历史的继续向往。杰克·皮特曼爵士为了成功推行这个项目,招聘了众多人才,玛莎也是其中一员,担任这个项目的顾问。对于玛莎,她一直想解决的问题是:我是谁?对于杰克·皮特曼爵士,他一直想解决的是:英国是什么?这两条线索相互交融,共同促进小说的发展,小说的结局是玛莎没有找寻到自我,杰克·皮特曼爵士也无法重建英国的辉煌历史。 国外对《英格兰,英格兰》的研究多从主题角度出发,涉及到真实的难以捉摸,爱情的变幻莫测,历史的建构,真实与虚幻的关系等。也有少数学者做了比较研究,指出作家在这部小说里放弃了颠覆性叙述写作方法的尝试,而是用了普通的时间发展顺序来进行写作。截止到2011年,国内只有一人在《外国文学研究》发表了《历史反思与身份追寻——论英格兰,英格兰的主题意蕴》,从类像理论出发探讨了小说的主题。 本文采用拉康的镜像理论、想像级与象征级、阉割与菲勒斯,结合女权主义分析了女主人公对自我的寻找以及自我寻找失败的原因,指出玛莎由于幼时被父亲遗弃,导致父亲的缺失和不可回归,在她的成长历程中,缺少了父亲这个“大他”的压制,致使她无法在象征级获得主体化地位,无法克服阉割情结,无法顺利通过俄狄浦斯情结,使得她为获得自我的努力归于徒劳。第一章介绍了作者朱利安巴恩斯的生平及作品。第二章分析了理论基础。镜像阶段是个人形成自我重要阶段,在这里可以形成想像的父子、母子关系以及个人对自身形象的认识。象征级就是“大他”和菲勒斯起作用的场所,,个体在这里通过父亲之名懂得“大他”和菲勒斯,向现实和父亲屈服,获得在现实社会的主体地位。第三章通过两性关系和失败的感情经历分析了玛莎在想像级的迷失。第四章讲述了玛莎心目中的“大他”(菲勒斯)主题公园“英格兰,英格兰”的建立。主题公园完全违背了当初的真实意图,无法重现英国的辉煌历史而宣告失败,这也意味着玛莎寻找菲勒斯归于失败。第五章讲述了阉割和菲勒斯对于女性的压迫。玛莎因为无法寻找“大他”,也就要一直处在阉割和菲勒斯的压迫之中。结论部分指出:就像英国无法恢复其过往的辉煌,玛莎也无法寻找到父亲,缺少父之名也即菲勒斯的压制,那么玛莎就不可能获得女性的主体地位,玛莎对自我的寻找只能是一曲哀歌。
[Abstract]:The novel "England, England" (England, England) was written in 1998, is the 2011 Booker Prize winner Julian Barnes (Julian Barnes) of the work. The author presents to the readers the heroine Martha Cochran was abandoned by his father in career and life to find themselves. This is a story written in chronological order the three section type novel, embedded with two development clues: as abandoned by his father, Martha experienced an unhappy childhood, due to her pursuit of self work and emotional, but the lack of father "to suppress him", making her efforts end in vain. Another clue is Sir Jack Pittman. Very rich, with the Pitman Company, a project he was planning the lofty ideals and high aspirations is to establish a named "England, England" theme park, to Britain's past glories are Copy, in order to arouse the people of the glorious history of Britain. Sir Jack Pittman to continue to yearn for the successful implementation of the project, the recruitment of a large number of people, Martha is also a member, as the project consultant. For Martha, she has been trying to solve the problem is: who am I? For Sir Jack Pittman, he always wanted to solve the what is the UK? These two clues blend with each other, and jointly promote the development of the novel, the ending of the novel is that Martha did not find himself, sir Jack Pittman could not rebuild the history of England.
England England study abroad on <, > from the perspective of topic, related to the true love of the elusive, historical construction, change unpredictably, the real and imaginary relations. A few scholars do a comparative study, pointed out that the writer in the novel gave a subversive narration to try writing methods, but with the in order to develop common time for writing. By the end of 2011, only one person in the domestic and foreign literature studies published < > < historical reflection and identity -- on England, England theme ", starting from the theory discussion such as the theme of the novel.
This paper adopts Lacan's mirror theory, imagination and symbol level, castration and Fils, with the feminist analysis of the heroine of self searching and self seeking failure, Martha pointed out that since childhood abandoned by his father, in the absence of the father and of no return, in her growth process, the lack of the father "he pressed, that she cannot get the main body position in the symbol level, can not overcome the castration complex, can not be passed to the Oedipus complex, making her efforts to get self in vain. The first chapter introduces the life and works of the author Julian Barnes. The second chapter analyses the basic theory of the mirror stage is the formation of individual self. An important stage, here you can imagine the formation of father and son, mother and child relationship and personal understanding of their own image." he "is a symbol of class and Fils work place Here, the individual by the name of the father "that he and Fils, and his father succumbed to reality, get in the social reality of subjectivity. The third chapter through sexual relations and emotional failure experience analysis of Martha in the imagination lost. The fourth chapter describes Martha's mind" he "(Fils) theme park England, the establishment of England". The theme park is completely contrary to the original intention, unable to reproduce the brilliant history of the British failed, this also means that Martha failed to find Fils. The fifth chapter describes the castration and the oppression of women. Fils Martha because of can not find "him", it is necessary to Fils has been in castration and oppression. The conclusion points out that: as the British cannot recover its past glory, Martha could not find his father, father's name is also the lack of pressure, Rockefeller Then, Martha could not get a female subject status, Martha is an elegy for self searching only.



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