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  本文关键词:意大利叙事文学里的存在主义思想初探 出处:《上海外国语大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 存在主义 意大利小说 皮兰德娄 斯维沃 莫拉维亚

【摘要】:存在主义哲学是兴起于二十世纪初期的哲学流派,它将人的非理性的意识活动当作最本质的存在,并作为全部哲学的出发点,深入探讨人的存在与客观世界的矛盾关系,构成人本主义学说重要的一脉。存在主义思想有狭义和广义之分,狭义的存在主义特指上世纪二战前后涌现出来的以萨特、加缪为代表的人文主义存在主义,但广义上的存在主义也包括祁克果的神学存在主义、马丁·海德格尔的泛神论存在主义以及后来的存在主义的马克思主义,甚至可以说有多少个存在主义思想家就有多少个存在主义。但所有这些“存在主义”都有一个共同点,那就是:以人的非理性意识活动为出发,探讨人的生存境况,认为人的存在是偶然的、荒诞的,人和人之间的关系是脆弱的、不可靠的,人生而在世面临无法解除的精神危机,深受孤独、焦虑、空虚情绪的困扰。 基于以上理论,本文剖析了意大利叙事文学里的广义存在主义精神,以浅入深,通过小说这种通俗浅显的文体解读深奥玄妙的存在主义思想,探究意大利文化背景下对“人的存在”这一问题的深层次解读。按照解释学现象学的研究方法,本文选择了皮兰德娄、斯维沃、莫拉维亚三位大师的一到两部代表作(分别是《已故的帕斯卡尔》;《泽诺的意识》;《冷漠的人》和《无聊》)进行深入分析,抓住存在主义精神内涵的不同表现形式,剖析这种负面情绪的本体论原因,总结出存在主义思想在一战以前、两次世界大战之间以及二战以后三个不同时期的发展和变化,引申出二十一世纪的今天,物质文明高速发展下,,社会上的人文情怀日益寡淡,导致存在主义精神危机非但不曾解除反而更加严重的事实,并提出解决方案,为引导当代人走出精神危机给出了一点启示,那就是:要以适性恬淡的心态去应对生活难题,只有以幽默感和耐心去面对生活的纷扰才能赢得内心的平静,才能做到老子所说的“归根曰静,静曰复命。复命曰常,知常曰明。不知常,妄作凶。知常容,容乃公,公乃全,全乃天,天乃道,道乃久,没身不殆。”
[Abstract]:Existentialist philosophy is a philosophical school that arose in the beginning of 20th century. It regards the irrational consciousness activity as the most essential existence and the starting point of the whole philosophy. To probe into the contradiction between human existence and the objective world constitutes an important part of humanism. Existentialism is divided into narrow sense and broad sense. Existentialism in a narrow sense refers to the humanism existentialism represented by Sartre and Camus around World War II in 0th century, but the existentialism in a broad sense also includes the theological existentialism of Qi Keguo. Martin Heidegger's pantheistic existentialism and later existentialist Marxism. It can even be said that as many existentialist thinkers as many existentialism, but all these "existentialism" have one thing in common, that is: based on the irrational activities of human consciousness. It is believed that the existence of human beings is accidental, absurd, the relationship between people is fragile, unreliable, and life is faced with an inextricable spiritual crisis, deeply lonely and anxious. The vexation of emotion. Based on the above theory, this paper analyzes the Italian narrative literature in the spirit of broad existentialism, in order to shallow into the depth, through the novel this popular and superficial style of interpretation of the profound and mysterious existentialism thought. This paper probes into the deep interpretation of the question of "the existence of man" in the context of Italian culture. According to the phenomenological research methods of hermeneutics, this paper chooses Pilandello and Svivo. One or two masterpieces of the three masters of Moravia (the late Pascal); Zeno's consciousness; The "indifferent people" and "boredom") make a thorough analysis, grasp the different manifestations of the spirit connotation of existentialism, analyze the ontological reasons of this negative emotion, and sum up the existentialism thought before the first World War. The development and changes between the two world wars and the three different periods after the second World War extend to today in 21th century, with the rapid development of material civilization, the humanistic feelings in the society become increasingly weak. The fact that the existentialist spiritual crisis has not been lifted, but is more serious, and put forward solutions for guiding contemporary people out of the spiritual crisis to give a little enlightenment. That is: to deal with the difficult problems of life with an apathetic attitude, only with a sense of humor and patience to face the troubles of life can we win the inner peace and achieve what Laozi said, "return to the root of quiet." Jing said that he had orders again. He said that he was often appointed, and that he knew Chang Yue Ming. He did evil without knowing what was often. Knowing Chang Rong, Lord Yung Nai-kung, Gong Naiquan, the whole day, the heaven was the Tao, the Tao was long, and his body was not perilous. "


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