发布时间:2018-03-20 17:07
本文选题:《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 切入点:种族歧视语 出处:《湖南科技大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在社会语言学和语用学研究中,人们一直专注于礼貌现象的研究,而鲜有关于不礼貌现象的探讨,同时人们也普遍认为不礼貌语言仅会带来负面的影响。近年来,越来越多的研究表明,不礼貌现象同样广泛存在于日常交际中,礼貌与不礼貌实际上是一个问题的两个方面,不礼貌现象也同样具有重要的研究价值,在某些语境中甚至会产生积极的效果。一般说来,不礼貌现象包括不礼貌行为与不礼貌语言,本文侧重于不礼貌语言现象的研究,即不礼貌程度较高的种族歧视语,旨在揭示种族歧视语在某些语境的作用下所产生的积极效果。 由于各异的出发点与侧重点,学者们对概括该类语言现象的专业术语与定义并未达成一致。笔者结合本论文的研究对象与研究重点,确定“种族歧视语”为概括本论文所探讨的不礼貌语言现象的专业术语,并对其进行了界定;选择小说《汤姆叔叔小屋》为种族歧视语研究的语料。受塞尔对言语行为分类的启发,笔者将该小说中的种族歧视语分为陈述类,指令类,威胁类和表达类四类。结合权势关系与语境理论,分析该语言现象所反映的语言特点(粗口性,直接性,民族典型化)并探讨在某些语境中,种族歧视语对说话者,听话者以及小说本身所产生的积极效果。 大量例证表明,依据种族歧视语的分类,我们可知种族歧视语包括的内容与其独特的表达方式;对小说中该语言现象的特点的描述反映了其不礼貌的程度;而正是这种不礼貌程度越强的语言在某些语境的作用下,对小说中的人物与小说产生了积极的效果。对于说话者,它可以昭示情感,,渲泄情绪;对于听话者,它可以确认身份,激发非预期取效;对于小说本身,它也起着激化矛盾,彰显人物形象等积极影响。通过本文的研究,我们可以得出结论:种族歧视语作为一种不礼貌的语言,在特定语境的作用下,也可以产生积极的影响。
[Abstract]:In the study of sociolinguistics and pragmatics, people have been focusing on politeness, but there is little discussion on the phenomenon of impoliteness, and it is generally believed that impolite language has only a negative effect in recent years. More and more studies show that the phenomenon of impoliteness is also widespread in daily communication, politeness and impoliteness are actually two aspects of the same problem, and the phenomenon of impoliteness also has important research value. Generally speaking, the phenomenon of impoliteness includes impolite behavior and impolite language. This paper focuses on the study of the phenomenon of impoliteness, that is, racial discrimination with high degree of impoliteness. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the positive effects of racial discrimination in certain contexts. Because of the different starting points and emphases, the scholars have not reached a consensus on the technical terms and definitions of this kind of linguistic phenomena. To define "racial discrimination" as the technical term for the phenomenon of impolite language discussed in this paper, and to define it; The author chooses Uncle Tom's Cabin as the corpus for the study of racial discrimination. Inspired by Searle's classification of speech acts, the author classifies racial discrimination in the novel into two categories: declarative, directive, and so on. Combined with the theory of power relation and context, this paper analyzes the linguistic characteristics (coarse, direct, national typicalization) reflected by the language phenomenon, and discusses the racial discrimination against the speaker in some contexts. The positive effects of the hearer and the novel itself. A large number of examples show that according to the classification of racial discrimination, we know that racial discrimination includes the content and its unique expression, the description of the characteristics of the language phenomenon in the novel reflects the degree of impoliteness. It is the language with more impoliteness that has a positive effect on the characters and novels in the novel under the influence of some context. For the speaker, it can show the emotion and release the emotion; for the listener, it can confirm the identity. For the novel itself, it also plays a positive role in sharpening the contradiction and showing the image of the characters. Through the study of this paper, we can draw a conclusion that racial discrimination is an impolite language. Under the influence of specific context, it can also have a positive effect.
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