本文选题:罗伯—格里耶 切入点:自由 出处:《西安外国语大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:作为法国20世纪50年代以后的反传统小说的典型代表作家,阿兰·罗伯—格里耶用自己的小说创作践行自己的新小说理论,他的出现无疑翻开了文学的新篇章,其小说创作的新观念和独特的艺术技巧与当代西方文化思潮及后现代的批评理论密不可分,他反对人类中心论,也一反传统小说的“写人”,将写物提到了中心位置,小说中人物行为和客观事物自由发展,画面也任意跳跃,因而被很多研究者评论为“客观写物派”,,在笔者看来,其实这正是格里耶创作自由的一种体现,也是调动读者参与文本的一种有效方法,从而也构建了一种作者与读者合作的新型关系。 本论文主要以接受美学理论作为基点和研究方法,来分析格里耶作品的反传统特点以及他小说的美学策略所导致的一种阅读自由,既从宏观的角度写出了他的这种新的小说创作方法产生的根源和基础,又微观地分析了他作品内部的特点,最后得出他的小说对为来小说发展的重大意义。 本论文正文分为三章:第一章是大概介绍接受美学的发展历程及接受美学理论与格里耶小说创作的关系,指出格里耶的新小说创作产生的基础;第二章主要是围绕接受美学理论家伊塞尔的“空白”论与“召唤结构”理论分析格里耶小说的反传统特点,情节的空缺、非线性的叙述结构、符号化的人物都为读者提供了介入小说的机缘,这些新的美学策略导致了阅读的自由,所以这一章也始终围绕着读者——作者新型关系的分析展开。第三章围绕接受美学另外一位理论家尧斯的“期待视野”论,通过分析格里耶小说对读者期待视野的不断改变与提高,从而产生一种新的审美意义,进而指出未来小说发展的趋势及新的阅读模式。
[Abstract]:As a typical representative writer of anti-traditional novels in France after the 1950s, Alain Roble-Grier used his novels to practice his new novel theory. His emergence undoubtedly opened a new chapter in literature. The new ideas and unique artistic skills of his novel creation are closely related to contemporary western cultural thoughts and postmodern critical theories. He opposes the anthropocentrism, but also opposes the "writing man" of traditional novels, and puts the writing to the central position. In the novel, the characters' behavior and objective things develop freely, and the pictures jump at will, so they are criticized by many researchers as "objective writing school". In my opinion, this is actually a manifestation of Grier's freedom of creation. It is also an effective method to mobilize the readers to participate in the text, thus constructing a new relationship between the author and the reader. Based on the reception aesthetics theory and the research method, this thesis analyzes the anti-traditional characteristics of Grier's works and a kind of reading freedom caused by his aesthetic strategy. Not only the origin and foundation of his new novel creation method are written from the macroscopic angle, but also the internal characteristics of his works are analyzed microscopically. Finally, the great significance of his novel to the development of his novel is obtained. The text of this thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter is a general introduction to the development of reception aesthetics and the relationship between the theory of reception aesthetics and Grier's novel creation, pointing out the basis of Grier's new novel creation; The second chapter mainly focuses on the theory of "blank" and "calling structure" of reception aesthetics theorists to analyze the anti-traditional characteristics of Grier's novels, the vacancy of plot, and the nonlinear narrative structure. Symbolized characters provide readers with the opportunity to intervene in the novel, and these new aesthetic strategies lead to the freedom of reading. Therefore, this chapter has always focused on the analysis of the reader-author relationship. The third chapter focuses on the theory of "horizon of expectation" by another theorist of reception aesthetics, Joss. By analyzing the changing and improving of the readers' horizon of expectation, Grier's novels produce a new aesthetic meaning, and then point out the development trend and new reading mode of the novel in the future.
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