发布时间:2018-03-27 08:24
本文选题:短篇小说 切入点:现代性 出处:《当代外国文学》2013年02期
【摘要】:正2012年6月27—30日,来自全球50多个国家的百余位短篇小说作家、评论家汇聚在美国阿肯色州北小石城,围绕"作为现代性桥梁的短篇小说"(Short Story Traditions:Bridges to Modernity and Beyond)这一主题展开了热切的交流与讨论。这是由世界短篇小说研究会(The Society for the Study of Short Story)主办、中阿肯色大学承办的第十二届英语短篇小说研究国际会议(12th International Conference on the Short Story in English)。短篇小说与现代性构建的形式批评本次会议除了3场以圆桌会议形式召开的专题讨论外,同时安排了2—3场作品朗读或小组讨论。多达40位作家进行9场作品朗读会以及8场小组讨论。3场专题讨论的议题分别是1)亚洲和亚裔美国短篇小说
[Abstract]:On June 27-30, 2012, more than 100 short story writers and critics from more than 50 countries gathered in North Little Rock, Arkansas. The theme "short Story Traditions:Bridges to Modernity and beyond" has been the subject of intense exchange and discussion. This is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Short Story. The 12th International Conference on the Short Story in English organized by the University of Central Arkansas. At the same time, 2-3 readings or group discussions were arranged. Up to 40 writers conducted 9 readings and 8 panel discussions. The topics of discussion were 1) Asian and Asian-American short stories.
【作者单位】: 湖南科技大学外国语学院;