本文选题:托马斯·哈代 切入点:《卡斯特桥市长》 出处:《中南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:托马斯·哈代是维多利亚时期杰出的批判现实主义小说家和伟大的诗人。《卡斯特桥市长》作为哈代的代表作之一,自问世以来颇受争议。国内外学者已经从存在主义、达尔文主义、女权主义等角度对该作品进行了评析,但是至今为止没有从神话和《圣经》原型角度来解读该小说的评论。 该论文的引言将首先简要介绍哈代的生平以及《卡斯特桥市长》的基本创作背景;然后概括国内外学者对该作品的主要评价和研究;最后介绍弗雷泽,荣格和弗莱等人的神话原型批评理论。 第一章将分析《卡斯特桥市长》中的原型主题。古希腊式的悲剧主题贯穿整部小说,亨查德的悲剧既是命运悲剧又是性格悲剧也是社会悲剧。此外,该小说的主题与《圣经》中“失乐园”、“堕落”、“赎罪”和“报应”等主题有着明显的对应。第二章将解读《卡斯特桥市长》的原型情节冲突。哈代采用了《圣经》中善恶冲突的情节并将其转化为各种类型:亨查德自相矛盾的内心冲突;亨查德和伐弗雷之间的明显的外部冲突以及上层阶级和底层阶级之间的矛盾冲突。第三章将探析《卡斯特桥市长》中的原型人物。亨查德的神话原型是俄狄浦斯王,他在希望一一破灭后,深陷绝望迷失了自我;而伐弗雷却如同太阳神阿波罗一样给人们带来希望和生机;此外,亨查德和伐弗雷之间的原型也表现在该隐和亚伯,扫罗和大卫之间的故事上。伊丽莎白·简犹如夏娃般美丽善良,敢于追求知识。第四章将分析《卡斯特桥市长》中的原型意象和原型象征。第一组是卡斯特桥市,圆戏场。第二组是一些动物,如:鸟、牛等。这些意象蕴含着深远的意义,使小说更具吸引力。 文章通过对《卡斯特桥市长》中的神话和《圣经》原型的分析,进一步揭示该小说丰富的内涵,增强小说可读性和深刻性。
[Abstract]:Thomas Hardy is an outstanding Victorian critical realism novelist and great poet. Mayor of Casterbridge, as one of Hardy's masterpieces, has been controversial since it came into being. Darwinism, feminism and so on have commented on the novel, but so far there has been no comment on the interpretation of the novel from the perspective of mythology and biblical archetypes. The introduction of this paper will first briefly introduce Hardy's life and the basic background of Mayor Casterbridge, then summarize the main evaluation and research of this work by domestic and foreign scholars, and finally introduce Frazier. The archetypal criticism of mythology by Jung and Fry. The first chapter will analyze the archetypal theme in Mayor of Casterbridge. The tragic theme of ancient Greece runs through the whole novel. The tragedy of Henchard is not only a tragedy of fate but also a tragedy of character as well as a tragedy of society. The theme of the novel clearly corresponds to the themes of "Paradise lost", "fall", "Atonement" and "Karma" in the Bible. The second chapter interprets the archetypal plot of Mayor Casterbridge. Hardy adopts the Bible. The plot of conflict between good and evil and its transformation into various types: Henchard's contradictory inner conflict; The obvious external conflict between Henchard and Vavre and the contradiction between the upper class and the lower class. The third chapter explores the archetypal characters in Mayor of Casterbridge. The mythical archetype of Hunchard is King Oedipus. He lost himself in despair after all his hopes had dashed; Vavre, like Apollo, brought hope and life; and the archetypes between Hunchard and Vavre were also manifested in Cain and Abel. In the story between Saul and David, Elizabeth Jane is as beautiful and kind as Eve, and dares to pursue knowledge. Chapter four analyzes the archetypal images and symbols of the Mayor of Castle Bridge. The first group is the City of Casterbridge. The second group is some animals, such as birds and cattle. These images have profound significance and make the novel more attractive. By analyzing the mythology and the archetypes of the Mayor of Casterbridge, this paper further reveals the rich connotation of the novel and enhances the readability and profundity of the novel.
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